Joss Whedon writes an open letter to the owners of the Terminator franchise:

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
Dear Sirs/Ma'ams,

I am Joss Whedon, the mastermind behind Titan A.E., Parenthood (not the movie) (or the new series) (or the one where 'hood' was capitalized 'cause it was a pun), and myriad other legendary tales. I have heard through the 'grapevine' that the Terminator franchise is for sale, and I am prepared to make a pre-emptive bid RIGHT NOW to wrap this dealio up. This is not a joke, this is not a scam, this is not available on TV. I will write a check TODAY for $10,000, and viola! Terminator off your hands.

No, you didn't miscount. That's four -- FOUR! -- zeroes after that one. That's to show you I mean business. And I mean show business. Nikki Finke says the Terminator concept is played. Well, here's what I have to say to Nikki Finke: you are a fine journalist and please don't ever notice me. The Terminator story is as formative and important in our culture -- and my pretend play -- as any I can think of. It's far from over. And before you Terminator-Owners (I have trouble remembering names) rush to cash that sweet cheque, let me give you a taste of what I could do with that franchise:

1) Terminator... of the Rings! Yeah, what if he time-travelled TOO far... back to when there was dragons and wizards? (I think it was the Dark Ages.) Hasta La Vista, Boramir! Cool, huh? "Now you gonna be Gandalf the Red!" RRRRIP! But then he totally helps, because he's a cyborg and he doesn't give a s#&% about the ring -- it has no power over him! And he can carry it AND Frodo AND Sam AND f@%& up some orcs while he's doing it. This stuff just comes to me. I mean it. (I will also offer $10,000 for the Lord of the Rings franchise).

2) More Glau. Hey. There's a reason they're called "Summer" movies.

3) Can you say... musical? Well don't. Even I know that's an awful idea.

4) Christian Bale's John Connor will get a throat lozenge. This will also help his Batwork (ten grand for that franchise too, btw.)

5) More porn. John Connor never told Kyle Reese this, but his main objective in going to the past was to get some. What if there's a lot of future-babies that have to be made? Cue wah-wah pedal guitar -- and dollar signs!

6) The movies will stop getting less cool.

Okay. There's more -- this brain don't quit! (though it has occasionally been fired) -- but I think you get my drift. I really believe the Terminator franchise has only begun to plumb the depths of questioning the human condition during awesome stunts, and I'd like to shepherd it through the next phase. The money is there, but more importantly, the heart is there. But more importantly, money. Think about it. End this bloody bidding war before it begins, and put the Terminator in the hands of someone who watched the first one more than any other movie in college, including "Song of Norway" (no current franchise offer). Sincerely, Joss Whedon.

I like his ideas!!

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Classic. He's also spoofing what Lorne Michaels used to do on SNL in the 70s, when all 4 Beatles were still alive:



Touching the monolith
Staff member
Maybe he'll hire Eliza Duckshoe to play Sarah.


Un Banned
Joss Wheaton should be permabanned from going anywhere near Terminator.

He already destroyed the Alien Series.

His pukebucket alien resurrection makes David Fincher's craptacular alien 3 look like a work of high art.


I want to smell dark matter
Maybe he'll hire Amy Acker to BE PRETTY.

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
A) Alien³ wasn't that bad (I really quite like the extended workprint version).

B) Joss Whedon hates Alien Ressurrection as much as you do.


Is this real life?
Joss Wheaton should be permabanned from going anywhere near Terminator.

He already destroyed the Alien Series.

His pukebucket alien resurrection makes David Fincher's craptacular alien 3 look like a work of high art.

*hides behind a barrel* :phpeek:


Un Banned
A) Alien³ wasn't that bad (I really quite like the extended workprint version).

B) Joss Whedon hates Alien Ressurrection as much as you do.

A) I really don't care for alien 3. Maybe it's because of Hicks & Newt dying at the beginning. Then Ripley at the end. Even Bishop.

Visually, alien 3's very interesting & beautiful, & the idea of a prison in outer space on a cruel world is cool.

But alien 3's story & character fates left a bad taste in my mouth.

B) It's a relief to hear that.Maybe Joss Wheaton's not such a dumbkoff after all.

Joss related to Wil?


I want to smell dark matter
Yes, I'm sure that was completely unintentional and everything!


I want to smell dark matter
And whoever buys TK too!


I want to smell dark matter


I want to smell dark matter