WAS IT GOOD. (Answer in the "Dredd" thread. GOD.)
As I said, Lena Headey did her FACE throughout and played the part of a former hooker druggy drug lord quite well (difficult to play that part badly, really).
Karl Urban fit the role very well. I've not read the comics, so I can't comment on how faithful he or the writing were, but he did manage to look pretty imposing and did a very convincing Batman voice. And his helmet didn't embarrassingly topple off and bounce across the floor at any point.
The story was straightforward enough. Dredd and rookie attend scene at building 'owned' by Lena Druggy, capture a guy who could testify against her, so she locks down the building and commands the gangs within to kill the judges. Guess who wins?
It's imaginatively violent in parts, but also occasionally beautiful. I could've watched the PoV shots of the drugged up characters all day. Over all very stylish and a believable world.
The one sticking point for me was Dredd's sidekick. Like I say, I'm not familiar with the comics, so I don't know how much psychic abilities come up in stories, but it gave Dredd a massive advantage, which kind of dented the level of tension. I did like her predictable character development, even though it was predictable. And there was one scene where she went inside someone's mind that was very nicely done.
Anyway, it was good.