Julie Goodyear


I want to smell dark matter
Will walk after a week or say something "harmlessly" racist.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
If The Situation is in, she will probably try to touch him inappropriately.


Is this real life?
It looks like she's done her research, so not quite the doddery old woman she first seems. Might be interesting on some level, but incidental to her celebrity status.


I want to smell dark matter
She won't stand for any shite.


Is this real life?
So far she's talked about a multitude of subjects and had nothing nice to say about any of them.

"Cleanliness is next to godliness. Get a fookin bath!" she says, smoking.


Boobie inspector
If it gives you any insight into her character, when she left corronation street, she fully expected it to go to pieces without her.

And she once thought she could pull George Peppard.


Is this real life?
It must be slightly less "grim up north" with her down here.

I've decided she's a morlock. The kitten ears don't fool me.


I want to smell dark matter
Russell Brand should be given right of reply.


I want to smell dark matter
You could tell it was her friend becaues it was making nosies. Normal seagulls don't do that.


I want to smell dark matter
What the fuck.


Is this real life?
They should have verbal warnings before showing her dancing braless.


I want to smell dark matter
I was reacting to her marrying her stalker (who's 27 years younger than her) because he asked her to marry him every day for eleven years. But it seems to have worked for them!

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
It took her 11 years to find out he has a large penis?


I want to smell dark matter
If only he'd been a flasher/stalker.


Is this real life?
Or a prince! (topical... I like it!)

Yeah, that is really weird. The perks of being a soapstar, huh?

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
Why is she going around asking the guys if they're being 'played' instead of asking the girls if they're being pestered by creepy sexists?


I want to smell dark matter
I wonder if she'd ever turn against Julian if she thought it would make her more popular.