Just a step back, for a second.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I've been married monogamously for 32 years, so when this bullshit went down, I revealed everything to my wife, because I felt the stuff I exchanged with Eloisel would compromise my IRL with someone I loved and knew (as opposed to someoone I loved and never met IRL).

ALL I can say to you "eloisel" is that you blew it. I really did adore you, for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, until death us do part. whatthefuckeverkthnxbai.

You're a fool.


Now this is what happens when you get online and start calling black people cupcakeers, all your shit winds up shot to hell.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Fuck you, Queeb.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
even if you weren't black, youd still be a cupcakeer. Your cupcakeardliness has never had anything to to do with your skin color, idiot.

I see why teh Wheez is trying desperately to get along with you. With her revealing her true self to me (and me dissipating the friendship as a result) you may be all she has left.

That's very interesting, when you think about it.


RIP 1970~2018
Now this is what happens when you get online and start calling black people cupcakeers, all your shit winds up shot to hell.


The magic word that if you make that special sound with your mouth, certain people believe that gives them a right to literally put hands on you and do you harm.

You know what that makes them...

The lack of evolution is appalling.

Now imagine that if you were to utter this magic word, all your shit would wind up shot to hell.

What a fucking crutch. Perfectly understandable that simple, violent savages would want to use a social crutch like a magic word (particularly one those use to refer to each other) to get a leg up.

Let's make a list of other magic words so we know when to take a knee should we hear one.



Forever Empress E
I've been married monogamously for 32 years, so when this bullshit went down, I revealed everything to my wife, because I felt the stuff I exchanged with Eloisel would compromise my IRL with someone I loved and knew (as opposed to someoone I loved and never met IRL).

ALL I can say to you "eloisel" is that you blew it. I really did adore you, for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, until death us do part. whatthefuckeverkthnxbai.

You're a fool.

What happened to that bit that I was a just a long term troll?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Keep taking things out of context "wheezie"



The magic word that if you make that special sound with your mouth, certain people believe that gives them a right to literally put hands on you and do you harm.

You know what that makes them...

The lack of evolution is appalling.

Now imagine that if you were to utter this magic word, all your shit would wind up shot to hell.

What a fucking crutch. Perfectly understandable that simple, violent savages would want to use a social crutch like a magic word (particularly one those use to refer to each other) to get a leg up.

Let's make a list of other magic words so we know when to take a knee should we hear one.


^ Another post well done 'Gear.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Just apologize. I hold you no ill will. I will just never relent when someone is as wrong as you have been. While I'm sorry you destroyed this potential rl friendship, I'm not surprised.

Maybe Mirah and I will do a vid for y'all that will make Shatna's shitty Simcity vids seem like Maypo


Forever Empress E
Keep taking things out of context "wheezie"

Jack, you are so busy trolling your intent can only come out as fractured and not making much sense except to the people you let in on your little inside troll secrets and enlist into your little schemes.

Don't bother sending me any videos. I'm not interested.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Fall on something sharp.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
and then, while you're getting up from the first fall, I hope you slip in the blood and fall again.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
and "Eliosel", I'm making a "name Golem" just for you.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Hi HE, what's your input? want to fuck an ancient mummified cougar, or just stick up for her from de bigbadtroll?


Forever Empress E
There have been a few times when I've wondered why people said that Jack is a psycho. That's been cleared up.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
you mustve thought as long as you sucked my epeen youd be safe :bigass: