Just out of curiosity...

The Question

...is there a theme engine for Linux that actually fucking works? I've tried Dekorator. I've tried QTCurve. I've tried Emerald. NONE of them actually does what it's supposed to fucking do.

Emerald requires a terminal command. That does NOTHING.

Dekorator would PROBABLY work except that all anyone uploads themes in are .rar files, which you then supposedly have to rename in order to get it to recognize that there are themes inside them. I say 'supposedly' because that doesn't work.

QTCurve requires you to install the theme into some path somewhere, probably /.kde/shared/apps/blah/fucking/blah, except there's no /.kde/etc/etc/etc/ path.

Just one more reason Linux is not now and will likely never be anything but a hobby OS.

FBI parte due

Folces Weard
ion3, IMHO.

The Question

Does that work on KDE 4?