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Just wondering?


TQ, why do you give me a hard time in debates, while you give others (namely Mandi), a much easier pass? Does it amuse you? No, I don't mind. I enjoy the challenge. It's just that the dichotomy just occurred to me, and I'm curious.
I guess I'm like one of those variable-resistance home gym thingies. :P

Seriously, not to offend anybody, but it all has to do with the challenge. The harder you push, the harder I push back. Mandi usually doesn't challenge me (and no, that's not an insult). Wordin very, very occasionally does, Hambil has once or twice in the entire time I've been here. You, though, do so with a little more frequency.

But -- don't assume that the challenge for me is in offering counterpoint to the positions you take. Different challenges with different posters. With Wordin, it's getting him to actually pay attention to what's being posted. Hambil's challenge is somewhere between Wordin's and yours. With you, I'm not so much trying to change what you think as I am trying to show you how to reach a new level in how you think.

The positions you take sometimes, the ones that Six rags on you about, are positions that can't really be debated logically -- the most extreme ones are almost entirely based on emotion and opinion. Both of those being subjective, they can't be validated or invalidated logically.

Now, that may not make them any less valid -- for you. But as long as they remain strictly in the realm of the subjective, they don't serve much purpose for anyone else, do they? In order to make the transition from simply being what feels right to being the right thing to do, they have to be put to the stricter tests of objective reason.

That's why I'm hoping that objective reason is something you're picking up -- coming to the right conclusion isn't an end, it's only a means. Once you begin to understand the issues you care about from a stance of strict reason, you'll act from strict reason. Doing that, you'll not only get more of your noble aspirations accomplished, but you can take assurance that you're not just doing what feels right, but that which is right.
The real reason Q doesn't bite at Mandi is because she lives somewhere near him and he's scared she's going to boil his bunny.
TQ...I am just starting to think before I react. The reason I'm seeking change is because my emotionalism has not served me well in the past (the whole WF debacle comes to mind), and I'm looking to find a way that will work for me. I've been calmer in the past few months, and I attribute that to you and Number_6 (though 6's method still has me bristling, at times).

So, just keep challenging me, and hitting me over the head with your objective realism. It will sink in, eventually.

L_G.... LOL ;)
^^You know, sometimes the abrasive method works -- but it works in a different way, and for a different kind of person. It also depends on the intention of the person doing it. I won't presume to guess at 6's motives, but I can tell you that I don't just recognize your potential for change, I've made it a sort of pet project of mine to see if I can help you along the way. Not in a, "grand crusade" kind of way, just more in the style of when I notice somewhere I think you could improve, I'll try to point it out in a way that will hopefully have you questioning your first reaction and see if you can revise it. More critiquing than mentoring, if that's more clear.
I don't challenge you because I know I'd lose. I'm just here to spam and annoy people. I think i'm doing a pretty good job at it.
Oh and he takes it easy on me because I don't try to prove i'm smarter than he is, because we all know that's a complete untruth. But people like Wordin just keep trying to prove him wrong. underestimate your ability to "keep up with the big boys".

Always remember...

Challenge a man's dick, you'll have him for an evening.

Challenge a man's mind, you'll have him for a lifetime. :)

BTW...I like your new av a lot better. I'm not entering into converstion with you based upon an inaccurate, preconceived notion any longer. ;)