Kenneth Lay Dead

Am I the only one cynical enough to be thinking that if anyone can fake their own death and completely disappear in order to avoid a long prison term it is wealthy people like Ken Lay.

(Or have I been watching too much of that Jack Bauer TV show?)
Is that your Tele in your av, Shatna?

Post a larger picture of it--I can't tell if it's natural wood or painted.
I wish it was, but no! I like it because it's the exact model and year I want, butterscotch '66.
Shatna said:
I wish it was, but no! I like it because it's the exact model and year I want, butterscotch '66.

Has Fender done a reissue of this particular model? The reissue of the 1975 Jazz Bass is quite nice, and affordable for those of us who can't pony up for an actual 1975 Jazz Bass.

It's sad, really. I can remember in the early 80s picking up vintage instruments for a song. I had a 60s model Precision Bass and a Rickenbacker 4001. If I'd known what would happen to the market . . .
Grammour Boy said:
what is your nick over at that dc comics site?

mine is "grammour"

I have a couple, but I wouldn't post them here, because I don't want to out them.

None are Number_6, though, which appears to have already been taken, as it wouldn't let me register it, with or without the underscore.

If you want to play in the open--as well as lead people back here--I can register another name over there tomorrow and troll a little more obviously.
keekeen said:
Am I the only one cynical enough to be thinking that if anyone can fake their own death and completely disappear in order to avoid a long prison term it is wealthy people like Ken Lay.

(Or have I been watching too much of that Jack Bauer TV show?)

Seeing that the coroner cut him up to do an autopsy, I would think that is highly improbable.