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While waiting for the line
to go down
to get
my books
the looks
I get
are strange
The Looks
I give
are sometimes
I judge
I mock
I know little
about you
or me
what do you know
do you?
I commented to CaptainWacky that he did not kill me, and my reasoning is that perhaps I am not a MineFielder then but only a badlander! Which I am ok with, since I am the founder of the badlands. Just kidding, NO I'm not, I'm just making stuff up.
I also noticed the new 2012 chat bump thread. Exciting. I'm not quite ready to give up the old year. Yes I am, whatever, who thinks about stuff like this anyway? Should I be posting this in the basement? Am I the CaptainWacky of that place? Could it be? I dont' know. Whatever.
Blah blah blahbhalbhlbhald;fkjlkjdss
have a nice day
Or it could just be I was on break and after using a computer so much in classes, it becomes not fun to sit on line and type and read and stuff or something boring like that
But jail was fun. I got to kick a couple girl's asses and make out with some and all sorts of fun stuff.
I did spend some time in solitary confinement tho. That was not fun.
I am now more crazy than before!
I went to this dance on New Years Eve,
Lots of snobby bitches were there, it was funny
and there was this guy who looked like Miami Vice and another that looked like Rod Stewart, WTF
STrange people
but I don't judge right?
What is this? My personal blog? Not really, maybe, whatever I don't care.
I'm just waiting for books.
It was discussed in class, facebook. Apparently some employers are now asking potential employees if they have facebook and if they can see it?
WTF? How is that even legal?
Its like I should just show up with my family photo albums and personal journals and say, "Here you go" I dont' have facebook, but you can read these.
You were mentioned in the "Mine Fielders who left forever in 2011" thread SO WHAT DOES THAT TELL YOU? (That my idea of "leaving forever" differs from its literal definition.)