Lara Trump's Vow to 'Prosecute' Election Cheats Raises Eyebrows


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Lara Trump, former President Donald Trump's daughter-in-law and co-chair of the Republican National Committee (RNC), vowed on Friday at a conservative event to "prosecute" election cheats, raising eyebrows from social media users. While speaking at Turning Point Action's (TPA) Detroit convention on Friday, Lara sent a warning to people who commit election fraud within the country: "If you cheat in an election, we'll find you, we will track you down and we will prosecute you to the full extent of the law."

Lara's threat was cheered on by the audience and applauded by Turning Point USA founder and president Charlie Kirk, who was sitting on stage next to her. However, some social media users used Lara's words against her.

Keith Olbermann, a political journalist who used to work for MSNBC, among other networks, wrote on X, formerly Twitter, "So @LaraLeaTrump just threatened her father-in-law?" Trump, who is the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, sowed doubt about the integrity of U.S. elections in the lead up to his 2020 election loss to Joe Biden. He then claimed the election was stolen from him via widespread voter fraud despite there being no evidence of this. Following Trump's election fraud claims, a mob of his supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol building on January 6, 2021, in an attempt to stop Congress from certifying Biden's election win. Trump has not claimed any responsibility for the riot and has pleaded not guilty to four federal felony counts relating to his alleged actions surrounding January 6.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


The Legendary Troll Kingdom