jack said:It's just a step to the left.....
ladyellie said:Hey, being bored's a part of life.
jack said:E R R O R
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jack said:Let's do the Time Warp again!
Henoch said:Give me time to get liquored/drugged up first.
SaintLucifer said:You mean to tell us you are not already??
Henoch said:No, why would i be??
SaintLucifer said:We all know about your ilk.
Henoch said:What is my..."ilk"!??
If that's a dirty word i am deeply offended!
SaintLucifer said:Who cares if you are 'offended'? How do you think your momma felt the moment you exited her pussy and saw you for the first time?
Friday said:Lucy, you're lame. And predictable. But you pass the time as the current TK punching bag, so you do serve a purpose.
Carry on.