Let's say North Korea nukes Seoul...

The Plagiarist

...what do we do then?

Possession of an ultimate weapon, of an ultimate threat to all life that shares this planet, brings with it no guarantee of supremacy. The very act of threatening to use such a weapon, based on certain conditions, puts control of that weapon into the hands of all those who control the conditions. You face the problem of what to do when these others say to you, "So use your weapon!" In this manner, many will have the weapon. Even more to the point, anyone able to threaten the possessor of such a weapon also possesses it. Thus, an ultimate weapon is useless unless those who control it can temper the weapon's violence. The weapon must have degrees of application that are less than ultimate.
President Obama would reduce Pyongyang to dust is what would happen.Then if the surviving government & authorities got out of line O'd hit them so hard they'd never speak again.

Kim ill-Junk's a screwball but I don't know if he's dumb screwball enough to A-bomb Seoul.
Most world leaders have no problem ordering the deaht of other people, but none of them want to die themselves.

That's why there'll be no NK first strike.
From an anthropological look at this, Kim Jong Il is only posturing for his people. He's trying to remain strong in the eyes of his cabinet (who are just as likely to assassinate him themselves). He also wants to try and place his son in power when he steps down. This whole nuclear thing is just a show of strength to his own people. He's actually very myopic and probably wouldn't start anything. It's just frightening to the rest of the world that he runs these tests.
Well, Seoul would burn and glow for awhile. Then we airdrop all the Mexicans here in the U.S. illegally into that city, and let 'em live on...
