Listen up, fucksticks.


Let's fuck some shit up
Despite what the description under the title of this particular forum may be, it doesn't give you license to never produce something positive and expect to stay forever.

Second, we're not your personal maid service or your personal army. If you don't like someone, too fucking bad. We don't care. Don't go smearing their information all over the place assuming we'll give a damn or do anything with said information. In that same respect, if you cry to the mods every ten minutes to clean up after you, because your mouth wrote a check your ass can't cash, oh fucking well.

The admins and mods are here to keep the the vaguest semblance of order we can with the least interference as possible. We do this job for free for a guy who keeps this site running out of the kindness of his heart. If you can't simply enjoy the immense freedom we provide you, then you can just fuck right off.

As for the whole defense of "well, there's "troll" in the site name and masthead." Eat a bag of dicks. The name is not literal. If that's the kind of shit you're looking for, /b/ is -> that way and ebaumsworld is -> over there. I'd also like to point out that the name is NOT "retardkingdom". Therefore, acting like a retard isn't really acceptable. We like enjoyable troublemakers, not people who can't seem to let go of something or have an obsessive disorder.

This site is a harbor in the storm for those who've been removed from other sites by hard-assed admins and mods who censor and nit-pick EVERYTHING. That's the idea behind this place. To let people speak freely. Somehow that seemed to have been lost somewhere along the way.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
Well, the speak freely part has never really been lost. It's more like the majority of the newbs that this site has seen just forgot to be intelligent about it.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts

NOTE: This doesn't mean that we don't want to keep hearing about all the adventures of bad dog or starguard. I love that shit!


Let's fuck some shit up


Red Whacker is hot!!
Despite what the description under the title of this particular forum may be, it doesn't give you license to never produce something positive and expect to stay forever.

Second, we're not your personal maid service or your personal army. If you don't like someone, too fucking bad. We don't care. Don't go smearing their information all over the place assuming we'll give a damn or do anything with said information. In that same respect, if you cry to the mods every ten minutes to clean up after you, because your mouth wrote a check your ass can't cash, oh fucking well.

The admins and mods are here to keep the the vaguest semblance of order we can with the least interference as possible. We do this job for free for a guy who keeps this site running out of the kindness of his heart. If you can't simply enjoy the immense freedom we provide you, then you can just fuck right off.

As for the whole defense of "well, there's "troll" in the site name and masthead." Eat a bag of dicks. The name is not literal. If that's the kind of shit you're looking for, /b/ is -> that way and ebaumsworld is -> over there. I'd also like to point out that the name is NOT "retardkingdom". Therefore, acting like a retard isn't really acceptable. We like enjoyable troublemakers, not people who can't seem to let go of something or have an obsessive disorder.

This site is a harbor in the storm for those who've been removed from other sites by hard-assed admins and mods who censor and nit-pick EVERYTHING. That's the idea behind this place. To let people speak freely. Somehow that seemed to have been lost somewhere along the way.

I love you.