Little Manchurian Candidates


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Barb and I had seen some perplexing changes in Jenny's reading since she started in first grade. For one thing, she had stopped reading her favorite books and stories at home. Before starting school, she had feasted on Grimm's Fairy Tales. Although she still begged us to read these to her, she now explained that she was not supposed to read them herself, according to her understanding from her teacher, because they contained big words and content in advance of her abilities. Barb and I, holding our tongues, exchanged tortured grimaces and cross-eyed glances.
^I'm downloading it as I type this. Perhaps it's a morbid fascination on my part with the reality humans create for one another.

If we wish to stop this juggernaut toward a socialist-fascist system, then we must restore
educational freedom to America. Americans forget that the present government education
system started as a Prussian import in the 1840’s–’50’s. It was a system built on Hegel’s belief
that the state was “God” walking on earth. The only way to restore educational freedom,
and put education back into the hands of parents where it belongs, is to get the federal
government, with its coercive policies, out of education. The billions of dollars being spent by
the federal government to destroy educational freedom must be halted, and that can only be
done by getting American legislators to understand that the American people want to remain a
free people, in charge of their own lives and the education of their children.
Jews, Communists, Neocons, Fascists and the Right-wing conspiracy alongside the Left-wing conspiracy, Muslim Fundamentalists.... such a colourful world we live in.
Next stop on the road to becoming a “resister†was to become a member of the school
philosophy committee. Our Harvard-educated, professional change agent superintendent gave
all of the committee members a copy of “The Philosophy of Education†(1975 version) from
the Montgomery County schools in Maryland, hoping to influence whatever recommendations
we would make. (For those who like to eat dessert before soup, read the entry under 1946
concerning Community-Centered Schools: The Blueprint for Education in Montgomery County,
Maryland. This document was in fact the “Blueprint†for the nation’s schools.) When asked
to write a paper expressing our views on the goals of education, I wrote that, amongst other
goals, I felt the schools should strive to instill “sound morals and values in the students.â€
The superintendent and a few teachers on the committee zeroed in on me, asking “What’s
the definition of ‘sound’ and whose values?â€

LOL, this book is a riot!
Another milestone on my journey was an in-service training session entitled “Innovations
in Education.” A retired teacher, who understood what was happening in education, paid
for me to attend. This training program developed by Professor Ronald Havelock of the
University of Michigan and funded by the United States Office of Education taught teachers
and administrators how to “sneak in” controversial methods of teaching and “innovative”
These controversial, “innovative” programs included health education, sex
education, drug and alcohol education, death education, critical thinking education, etc. Since
then I have always found it interesting that the controversial school programs are the only
ones that have the word “education” attached to them!
This in-service training literally “blew my mind.” I have never recovered from it. The presenter (change agent) taught us how to “manipulate” the taxpayers/parents into accepting controversial programs.

:D:D:D I think that that I, as a weak troll, can learn a thing or two from the truly wicked ones. :twisted: