London Expo: "It's a JOKE!"


Is this real life?
So the other day I went with my friends to the London Expo, which is code for "giant nerdy scifi/animé convention". ;) Last October we got into all sorts of kerfuffles; mistakenly lining up for the Muslim convention, getting stuck behind a kid in a giant cat costume, being groped by Luigi, etc. This time we booked our tickets ahead so we could avoid all the mammoth queues.

On the way in we got a group photo with Pedobear. When we asked where they got the costume from we heard the muffled sound of a girl shout "ebay!" :)

The guests this time weren't as exciting as previous times. There wasn't anyone from BSG. :(

Technically, the first famous person I saw was Ianto from Torchwood. But he looked scruffy and bored and no one was talking to him, so I just thought he was one of the event crew helping Craig Charles, who was sitting next to him and struggling to deal with the crowd of fans who had queued up to get photos and autographs. Poor Ianto.


Close by were Linda Hamilton, Joe Morton (Miles Dyson in Terminator II) and some other guy from Eureka who looked like Alan Carr.


We got some snaps with the Bumblebee Camarro from Transformers and went off to the panels. The first one was with the director and special effects dude of the movie Moon. I didn't even realise it was a British movie. They showed some snazzy behind the scenes video of the models and the sets and answered some Qs.

Then the 12 year old girls poured in and we knew it was time for the Merlin stars. Like last year, the tweenagers screamed for Merlin and Arthur and us boys screamed for Richard Wilson. It had to be done. He wasn't getting any love.
The questions from the audience were pretty lame. One girl who was dressed AS Merlin completely forgot her question when she stood up. There's something about girls barely into puberty fawning over blokes older than I am that's really creepy. Anyway, so Morgana was totally gorgeous. She looks just like she does on TV! I reckon she has something going on with Arthur, though. Poor old Merlin was too flustered to really answer any questions. He's kind of sweet. You wouldn't think he was an actor. Arthur was videoing everything for some reason.



The next panel was just with Linda Hamilton. I thought she was pretty funny, in a bitchy way, but everyone else thought she had a major chip on her shoulder.


She said James Cameron was a great director, but didn't have a clue how to relate with people and asked about Christian Bale's outburst she said he was disgusting and "As his mother, I'm ashamed..." A couple of people at the back laughed. "Because he plays John Connor and I played John Connor's mother? Hello?! IT'S A JOKE!"


And that was that. Afterwards we went to see Star Trek on a gigantic screen at the Dome and had a nice cold drink at the bar.


Well, she would have a chip on her shoulder I guess, seeing as she's James Cameron's ex-wife. I would imagine being asked anything about any of his movies would grate after a while, even if you are trying to make a living from it.

However, that doesn't explain why she now looks like how Jade Goody would have looked if she had lived another 30 years.


Boobie inspector
Didn't she get half of Cameron's money in the divorce?

Titanic money?


Is this real life?
I didn't know she was ever married to him. That explains a thing or two.

I don't know what Katie McGrath smelt like, she was too far away. Something Irish?

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Wow. Linda looks like Palpatine with a long blond wig.

At least she was well compensated for the years of Cameron abuse she suffered. GO GIRL!


I want to smell dark matter
Morgana looks proper fit. Gwen looks...happy, at least.

Did you see Ianto bunking off with a young guy and a stopwatch?


Is this real life?
No, he didn't even get that much. There was a queue going off into the distance for Craig Charles but not one person for Ianto. He was a late booking, though, and it was a Saturday, so [STRIKE]his fans[/STRIKE] John Barrowman probably couldn't come on short notice.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I bet that was a lot of fun!


I want to smell dark matter
Bet you feel PRETTY BAD now, DryerLint!


I want to smell dark matter