Looking at old versions of TK on the Wayback machine...


I want to smell dark matter
Because this is what my life is (and FBI reminded me of its existence.)


Ah, remember the Blame Sardy forum? Because everyone always blamed Sardy! Except they didn't. Still, I liked the conspiracy theory stuff in his forum. He was very knowledgeable on some fringe topics.

I totally forgot we ever had a comics forum (I didn't read comics back then.) The Wrasslin' forum was a lot of fun!


I really don't remember the Moderate This experimental moderated forum. Note the "I demand Mentalist return to TK!" thread. SOME THINGS NEVER CHANGE!

Was the TK Trading Post the earliest version of the Badlands? What the hell was Boi's TKarma Whorehouse? Who was Boi!?


Ah yes, Hambil Nation. We all remember that...

Happiness Is A Warm Gun? Okay.

Still no Badlands. Note the "Angel was better than Firefly" thread in the Mine Field (Menty replied to it!) which was no doubt start by me in my never ending attempt to troll Firefly fans even though I was one myself.


NOW we have the Badlands the DLA and all that. Also a TK Writer's Workshop and Cow has a forum. We used to have a hell of a lot more forums.


By the end of 2006, all those sub forums for individual TKers are gone and we pretty much have the same forums we have today. So nothing's changed in over five years. Sounds about right.


Remember when Gagh was ChrisG76? Memories!


I want to smell dark matter


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I wish there were more captures to look at. That is fun.


Retired Account
Old names long since gone :'( like that Sephiroth twat.


Registered User
There's several 14 episode runs of Angel that are better than Firefly.

Dear Boy - Belonging in S2
Lullaby - Tomorrow in S3
Spin the Bottle - The Magic Bullet in S4
Harms Way - Not Fade Away in S5 (even though it includes noted horribad episodes Why We Fight and The Girl in Question)

(But actually the thread was started by Menty himself)


Registered User
I agree that Angel is better than Firefly, but Menty's post itt is just...
Not to mention it had a dark feel that puts DS9 to shame while maintaining laugh out loud humour in the darkest of situations.
season 5 was such a direction shift you felt disorientated but securely seated on a rollercoaster of entertainment.
Never has a show had such a strong supporting cast since DS9 and never has a show told such a complete journey of self discovery and action and humor before.

The only three television shows that exist ever, according to Menty:
1. Angel
2. DS9
3. Firefly


I want to smell dark matter
I actually found Cameron hotter than River. I know others (Tomtrek) disagree!


I want to smell dark matter
More wrongness:

Cordelia Chase. Connor. Faith.

I was just trying to disagree with Starguard's "teenage crap" post. And Connor was erased from my memory by a spell at that point.

And maybe Cordy was supposed to be a teenager at the start of Angel but it was impossible to ever buy Charisma Carpentar as one.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Here's an "old" version of the MF from 2008.


I started a "top fifteen for June." I was so young.

It contains this post from Tisi.

Oh Tisi!

(Can anyone find a way to find older versions of the MF or any of the other forums?)

I make no bones about liking Kristin Stewart. Never have. As for that twilight comment, I'm assuming it was meant as CAN'T WAIT TO RIFF THAT ATROCIOUS MOVIE

I see no purpose in dwelling with the painful past. It just brings back the memory that we are all still alive...& OLDer. :(


I want to smell dark matter
It'll be useful when we invent time travel.


I want to smell dark matter
Remember in The Cape when she was doing bendy circus things.