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Lord Kookoo orders Canada to be Destroyed

Lord Kookoo

New member
I, Lord Kookoo, the Saviour of the world, command the United States army, navy and marines to kill the Canucks! Lord Kookoo is tired of the smelly French in Qoubek, and Lord Kookoo knows Satan is hiding there, so I order a BILLION NUCLEAR BOMBS TO GO THERE AND KILL SATAN AND THE FUCKING SNOW MONKEYS THERE!!!

Not actually humping them, though, they're not whores for god's sake.
Eh...I swear to god his name reminds me of that stupid bird, ''I'm kookoo for coco puffs'' Although..that may just be me <.<
hmm.. I'm canadian and i'd LOVE to see the french wiped out.. oh wait, the gf is part french. Meh.. I'll get the beatings later and ill probably enjoy them.
Lord Kookoo said:
I, Lord Kookoo, the Saviour of the world, command the United States army, navy and marines to kill the Canucks! Lord Kookoo is tired of the smelly French in Qoubek, and Lord Kookoo knows Satan is hiding there, so I order a BILLION NUCLEAR BOMBS TO GO THERE AND KILL SATAN AND THE FUCKING SNOW MONKEYS THERE!!!

Will Lord Kookoo take part in this 'invasion'? Lord Kookoo needs to be reminded about that fateful year of 1812. Kookoo knows Canada handed the USA their only defeat on home soil. Just be glad we decided NOT to keep all of the Great Lakes we managed to conquer in the process otherwise there would be no Detroit, no Chicago, no Milwaukee, no Buffalo... need I go on? Do you Americans ever learn? You got spanked in Korea. Slapped about in Vietnam. Booted out of Somalia by a bunch of uneducated nigger children. You currently get your asses handed to you on a daily basis in Iraq. Yet you want more of the same? Iraq had no CF-18s nor did they have pilots that could actually fly combat missions. Canada does. Kookoo needs reminding the last time the silly USA 'invaded' Canada, the greatest Empire the world has ever seen came to our aid and would do so again. In fact, the entire Commonwealth would get into it. My apologies dear little fruitcake but not even the USA is that strong. Now run along lest I decide it is time to retake the Great Lakes which are rightfully ours.
SaintLucifer said:
Will Lord Kookoo take part in this 'invasion'? Lord Kookoo needs to be reminded about that fateful year of 1812. Kookoo knows Canada handed the USA their only defeat on home soil. Just be glad we decided NOT to keep all of the Great Lakes we managed to conquer in the process otherwise there would be no Detroit, no Chicago, no Milwaukee, no Buffalo... need I go on? Do you Americans ever learn? You got spanked in Korea. Slapped about in Vietnam. Booted out of Somalia by a bunch of uneducated nigger children. You currently get your asses handed to you on a daily basis in Iraq. Yet you want more of the same? Iraq had no CF-18s nor did they have pilots that could actually fly combat missions. Canada does. Kookoo needs reminding the last time the silly USA 'invaded' Canada, the greatest Empire the world has ever seen came to our aid and would do so again. In fact, the entire Commonwealth would get into it. My apologies dear little fruitcake but not even the USA is that strong. Now run along lest I decide it is time to retake the Great Lakes which are rightfully ours.

Lord Kookoo says that Canada is nothing but a frozen wasteland filled with bucktooth cappachino drinkers and morons like you. Only a fucking penguin land like Canada would allow crozz-eyed trasvestvite faggots like you to live.
And what is Canada famous for? Beer and pot. No wonder your such socialist witnits.
Fuck Canada. Drop the Bomb!!!
SaintLucifer said:
Will Lord Kookoo take part in this 'invasion'? Lord Kookoo needs to be reminded about that fateful year of 1812. Kookoo knows Canada handed the USA their only defeat on home soil. Just be glad we decided NOT to keep all of the Great Lakes we managed to conquer in the process otherwise there would be no Detroit, no Chicago, no Milwaukee, no Buffalo... need I go on? Do you Americans ever learn? You got spanked in Korea. Slapped about in Vietnam. Booted out of Somalia by a bunch of uneducated nigger children. You currently get your asses handed to you on a daily basis in Iraq. Yet you want more of the same? Iraq had no CF-18s nor did they have pilots that could actually fly combat missions. Canada does. Kookoo needs reminding the last time the silly USA 'invaded' Canada, the greatest Empire the world has ever seen came to our aid and would do so again. In fact, the entire Commonwealth would get into it. My apologies dear little fruitcake but not even the USA is that strong. Now run along lest I decide it is time to retake the Great Lakes which are rightfully ours.

Lord Kookoo says: let's face it, Canadians are all sodomite dope smokers, too busy getting drunk and applying the anal lube to each others backside.
Lord Kookoo said:
Lord Kookoo says that Canada is nothing but a frozen wasteland filled with bucktooth cappachino drinkers and morons like you. Only a fucking penguin land like Canada would allow crozz-eyed trasvestvite faggots like you to live.
And what is Canada famous for? Beer and pot. No wonder your such socialist witnits.
Fuck Canada. Drop the Bomb!!!

Sorry my dear child. There are no penguins in Canada. *ROTFLMAO @ 'cappachino', 'crozz-eyed', 'trasvestvite'.

You still think Canada is a socialist state? *ROTFLMAO* This passes for American 'intellect'? No wonder we handed you your asses the last time we fought.
SaintLucifer said:
Sorry my dear child. There are no penguins in Canada. *ROTFLMAO @ 'cappachino', 'crozz-eyed', 'trasvestvite'.

You still think Canada is a socialist state? *ROTFLMAO* This passes for American 'intellect'? No wonder we handed you your asses the last time we fought.

Yes, Penguinboy. Canada is nothing but a frozen wasteland of wimps. We could EASILY kick your sorry assess, since all of you are too busy lubing up and smoking dope. Everyone knows Canucks are nothing but dopehead peacenicks and pussies.
OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canada's government on Friday condemned a show by U.S. late-night television host Conan O'Brien that insulted people in French-speaking Quebec and seemed to suggest everyone in the province was homosexual.

Ottawa and the province of Ontario paid $760,000 to help O'Brien -- who appears on the NBC television network -- bring his show to Toronto for a week to boost the city's profile after a deadly SARS (news - web sites) outbreak last year.

But the federal government said O'Brien had gone far too far with the show broadcast on Thursday in which he went to Quebec, a province which has had separatist governments for much of the last 20 years and is a delicate political topic in Canada.

"We want to disassociate ourselves from the comments which were broadcast last night because we do not support them in any way," junior government minister Mauril Belanger told Parliament.

At one point in the show, Triumph the Insult Comic Dog -- a hand puppet that is a regular on the show -- said to a Quebecer: "You're French, you're obnoxious and you no speekay English." It told another: "I can smell your crotch from here."

O'Brien's team were also shown replacing street signs in the province with those that read "Quebecqueer Street" and "Rue des Pussies."

Alexa McDonough, a legislator for the left-leaning New Democrats, described the program as "racist filth" and "utterly vile" and demanded the government seek the return of the C$1 million subsidy.

See? Even Conana Obrien knows THE TRUTH!!