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Lost 3 x 04


Boobie inspector
Sawyer episodes are always good, and this one dosent disapoint, although I suspected all along that he didnt actually have a pacemaker fitted, something that became even more ovbious when they clearly didnt have a doctor, or sophisticated medical equipment.

I dont know if the big shock was meant to be that they are on a different island, or that Sawyer has a kid.

A subtle bit of dialogue reveals the others have a submarine.

Always nice to see Bill Duke again, even though his range of acting is someone limited to intense stares, why change what you are good at?

Once again the highlight has to be the amazing future seeing Desmond, I wonder how long that power will last?
This episode further supports the character's daddy issues. Now we know what Sawyer's is.

Interesting bits about The Others needing the people from the plane. I understand why they need Jack, but why do they need Sawyer?
What? I missed the submarine stuff, dammit.

I liked the episode but the buildup to it was total crap.. the commercials kept saying a big secret would be revealed, and the secret was that they're on separate islands? Who the fuck cares? that's nothing.

Desmond is awesome.. I hope he gets lots of airtime. He is much more interesting than emo Jack.

Now the commercials say the next two episodes will change everything.. but I bet it's just more bullshit.. Atleast it looks as if Eko will be in the next one.
She said she only said it to make that guy stop beating the shit out of Sawyer. I think she really does love Sawyer but just doesn't want him to know it yet, or something.

Sawyer got his ass kicked a lot on this episode and he still looked hot.
Charlie is much better this season, you might even start to like the furry little hobbit.
Yeah, he had a few funny lines in the last episode.

The sub was mentioned briefly when Benry told Juliette that it had returned with Colleen. That answered the question of how the Others got on the boat(without getting wet or having a boat themselves) when Sayid and Jin were guarding the beach.

I don't really get how there can be a second island, weren't the gang all conscious when they were brought there? they would've known if they were being taken across in some vehicle. And I thought Sayid had been all the way around the island's beaches, you'd think he would've noticed another island, not to mention the raft in season 1 and Desmond's trip in the boat.

Maybe this explains the cable Sayid found ages ago though, it could connect the DHARMA bases to the Other's island.
I don't remember if they were conscious or not when they took them over there, or even how they got them there.
oh yeah.. I remember that part, when Michael and Walt rode off in the boat. I don't think they showed them actually taking the rest of them to their island. If they did, I've spaced out on it.
'sides, the Others LOVE putting bags over peoples''d think one would notice crossing open water....ooops! could this be....a FLAW in the writing?
*gets megaphone*: