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Lost 3x02


Staff member
This one was kinda pointless in the extreme. We don't actually even learn anything of consequence beyond the continuing fact that Evangeline Lilly is an extremley top spec bitch. Pictures will probably have to be posted at some point to make that revelation crystal clear.

Oh, Ben/Henry Gale told Jack that he had been on the Island all his life which was a rather minor thing to learn but was probably the most interesting.

This one was a Sun/Jin flasback episode where we find out that Sun had an affair with that bald bloke who taught her English and blah, blah.. It was kay, nothing that interesting to report.

Sayid, Sun and Jin look for Jack, Sawyer and Kate. Sayid figures out that they have been captured and tries to lure the Others out by making a fire on the beach. (They're still in the yacht.) Sun stays in the yacht while Jin and Sayid wait to ambush the Others but the Others slip past them and get on the boat, one of the women Others tells Sun that they are not the bad guys and Sun shoots her (good on ya!), Sun then barely escapes before the Others steal the boat.

What would the Others need with a starshi.. err, I mean boat? They seemed VERY keen to get it but we already know they do have current contact with the outside world.

Oh well, I have a headache from last night, I can't be thinking right now. Season 3 of Lost has started with something of a putter so far, they need to ramp up the action no doubt.

Show. Moves. Too. Slowly.

Anyway.. Evangeline..



Yep.. she's hawt.

I agree that the second episode was pretty pointless. God are they ever gonna tell us anything? I'm waiting for someone to beat the crap out of Ben, again. He's like some power trippy little ass that everyone hates, but no one says anything to because they don't want to get fired.
I downloaded this and will watch it either tommorow or tonight, from the spoilers though I am pissed off that the baby might not Jins
I missed the episode since I was having imaginary conversations with friends thanks to a rather high fever, but I got the rundown from my mom. Doesn't sound like I missed much.
All good.

I have to say about the episode, however, that the way they worked the 2004 World Series into it gave me goosebumps. Remember: That first season episode when Jack's father told him one of the things he could always count on was that the Red Sox would never win the World Series was already in the can when they did, in fact, win (I don't remember if it actually aired before or after the series --I think after...?). The way they had "Ben" play it off Jack was brilliant, IMO ('though as a former Bostonian I'm obviously biased).
Archibald Nixon said:
All good.

I have to say about the episode, however, that the way they worked the 2004 World Series into it gave me goosebumps. Remember: That first season episode when Jack's father told him one of the things he could always count on was that the Red Sox would never win the World Series was already in the can when they did, in fact, win. The way they had "Ben" play it off Jack was brilliant, IMO ('though as a former Bostonian I'm obviously biased).

Nice catch. I forgot about the previous exchange between Jack and his father over the Red Sox. That scene was played out well when Ben shows him the win on TV. Jack was utterly incredulous at the prospect. Twas amusing.
I've read spoilers and I bet it's just one *SPOILERS* big cryptic dream sequence that means nothing in the end *SPOILERS*
Hurley saws Gods face on a peanut butter covered leaf.. just more bad luck the island computer firewall blocked ebay.
Yes.. cause it just wouldn't be the same if he ate peanut butter from a spoon or something.