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Lost - The New Man In Charge


I want to smell dark matter
So the 11 minute epilogue thing has leaked (look in the USUAL PLACES) and I've watched it. Was it worthwhile? Well, it was only 11 minutes. It wasn't shit but it wasn't really...anything, really.

It starts with two Dharma employees in Gaum. They've been loading supplies onto drone aircraft travelling to the island for years. They don't know about Dharma being wiped out 20 years ago because there's no phones on Gaum or something. I'm not sure who pays their wages. This explains the food drop in season two, I guess. I liked the time distortion explanation better, but it's hardly important.

Ben shows up and tells them he's shutting them down and gives them some money. They demand answers so he plays them the Hydra station orientation film. It isn't really believable in the way the orientation films in the show were. The whole things seems to be played for comedy, the writers making fun of viewers for asking for answers by reelings off answers to a bunch of things no one really cared about or had already figured out themselves (there's a really detailed explanation for everything involving the polar bears which isn't needed at all becaue it was self-evident on the show. There's a kind of half-assed explanation for the pregnant women dying that doesnt make sense because the Others had this film all along yet didn't know what was cauing the pregnancy deaths, the whole reason they brought Juliet to the island was to find out why...I'll stop before the writers make fun of me.)

Obivously some people got obsessed over these little questions and wanted answers and it did frustrate me when things didn't hold together and were just thrown in there to be mysterious...but really no one CARES about the Hurley Bird (it's just a genetically engineered bird that happens to say "Hurley"), it was the whole Jacob/Man In Black/glowing cave mythology shit that had been built up for years and presented in the show as important that pissed off the majority of fans by being a confusing mess (YES IT WAS, OKAY, JUST ADMIT IT) and none of that important stuff it addressed here. Probably because there's no way to make it fit together.

Then Ben guys to a mental hospital where Walt is for some reason (he was fine the last time we saw him.) He tells Walt that he can come to the island to help his father "move on". Then Hurley shows up in the last minute to say he has a job for Walt and the three of them drive away in a Dharma van(!?) and, err, that's it.

This new job MUST be Walt helping ghosts move on and NOT Walt taking Hurley's place as island protecter, I would think. But we'll never know.

So yeah, this was kind of pointless but it was supposed to be a free bonus feature and I'm sure some people will enjoy it.
I'm gonna download it, but I appreciate your thoughts. Sounds like the writers were completely worn out when they wrote it at 5am before they started shooting it later in the day.