Troll Kingdom

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Lots of split out Luci stuff.


beer, I want beer
It's weird, ya know? We didn't have a close relationship, and she's been in a nursing home on the other side of the coast for the past 15 years, in a near vegetative state, but I still feel sad, with an immense sense of loss.

How irrational is that, right? :(

Don't give a flying fuck. My grandma died, and I did not even flinch. Continued to eat puff my ciggy as if nothing untoward had ever occurred when I was told. I gave about as much a shit about my grandma dying as I do ab out your fucking mother. Get over it cunt. Remember, your fucking ass is next.
Wow, I open up, and for that I get 'that's Luci's dual'. Yet I am the tasteless one? The lack of intellect, of soul, is staggering here. I may be cold, heartless, but at least I don't bullshit the way you fuckers do.

Yes, I am 'Luci. Live with it bitches. If you believe me to have been 'over the top' for my post, then fuck you. I explained my so-called 'feelings' about the whole bullshit, and all you motherfuckers can do is whine 'dual', and scream about how terrible I am. Keep hiding behind your bullshit, motherfuckers. I tell it like it is. I am real. The rest of you are fake cocksuckers.
im as fake as your testicles.

take that whichever way you want.

I take it you want my testicles into your mouth, that you may suck the hair right off, yes? I abhor faggots who continue to dream about my testicles. I like to remind such individuals that I am a fascist, and everyone knows how we fascists 'deal' with faggots.
unfortunately those fascists haven't dealt with you yet, because as far as i can tell every other post you make is talking about some other user performing homosexual acts on you.

you're gay, it's okay!
I apologize, Bickendan. I shouldn't have pointed fingers without proof.

That was a horrible thing your grandmother, and family went thru. :(

Thank you for your condolences.

Whoever *was* driving the Luci dual last night, however, should be ashamed.

Luci drives himself, no matter what the SaintLucifer/MorningPrince piss stains suggest.
I'm sorry for your loss, Friday. Losing a family member is a very tough thing. Keep your chin up. She's not suffering anymore, which is a real blessing.

Why mourn the inevitable? Who cares? The aged cunt is dead, which is a good thing, since she had thus become a burden on society. With her gone, the taxpayer dollars will be better-spent. Rather than a useless old hag with no worth to society, the monies used to support the likes of her ancient cunt would now be used to build new roads, bridges, etc.
I find it sad that you guys (and by "you guys", I mean those who pull Luci's strings), think trolling a mother's death is "lulz". That says a hell of a lot more about you than it does me.
I find it sad that you guys (and by "you guys", I mean those who pull Luci's strings), think trolling a mother's death is "lulz". That says a hell of a lot more about you than it does me.

Yet, YOU are the sad little fuck whose first action after his mommy's death is to race to a fucking troll site and bother everyone about how sad you are. Listen, you little shit, and listen well. I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOUR CORPSE OF A MOTHER! Do you understand? I think your actions are low, whilst my own are truthful, honest and heartfelt. It is YOU who cries to a site full of strangers. I would never go around to strangers, whining that my mommy finally, thankfully, kicked the fucking can.

By the way, no one is pulling my strings. The 'that is not the real Luci troll is getting old. Give it up already. The Admins know I am the real deal. After all, they have my IP address, and you may rest assured they checked it against all of the very first posts made by Luci. Now, please, STFU about mommy. I grow weary of assholes whining about an individual who is now worm food.
I'm sorry to hear about that.

Why the fuck are you sorry? Why do you even give a shit? When someone says 'I am sorry' when told someone else's mommy died, why do they do so? For what are they apologising? They didn't cause the cunt's death. Fuck the cunt. She is dead. Who the fuck apologises about a dead cunt?
I have a feeling karma's already had a good time at that one's expense, or he wouldn't go around to every message board he finds trying desperately to get people to hate him. The feelings of self-loathing must run very deeply, and all he does is seek out ways to validate what he's feeling inside: worthlessness and hatred for himself.

Guy's truly fucked up, I almost feel sorry for him.