Louis Theroux: Extreme Love


I want to smell dark matter

Louis visits one of the best schools in America for autism. He meets the students and their families to get a glimpse of what life is like for them and to experience the pleasures and the strains of one of the most extraordinary kinds of relationship.

I've always wondered what it would be like to have autism!


Is this real life?
Saw a clip the other day. Looks good, and I'll obviously take an interest, though there was a bit where he was in the back of a car with an autistic kid and talked about him like he wasn't there.


Is this real life?
To be fair, it's not like he could have a conversation with the kid.


Can I have Ops?
The programme was charming. I loved the shoulder wiggle dance he did with one of the kids.

Distinct lack of gun wielding tattoed homophobes on crack in the porn industry though. Jimmy Saville is also missed.


I want to smell dark matter
I fear for that cat if underpants kid gets hungry.


Is this real life?
Yeah, the shoulder wiggle was cute.

I don't blame that lady for putting Brian in care, though. I can imagine it's pretty scary being alone in the house with him when hulks out. Doubly so if he's only wearing boxer briefs.


I want to smell dark matter
I'm sure Nicky will do well at his new school and in life, but his dragon story didn't sound very good.


I want to smell dark matter
Yeah I wasn't sure what that word was.


Staff member
Clearly he's learnt his vocabulary from reading as proposed to hearing the words so he gets a pass there.

I liked it and it was of course, well done and charming. Louis Theroux still the master. Not like that cheap knockoff they have trying to recreate his early career.


Is this real life?
Next week it's dementia apparently? I suggested to a friend that he should investigate the world of chronic quiz show applicants. There's a whole world there of people desperate to get on tv. And CJ. What are they trying to escape from? What answers are they seeking to find? And how do they deal with rejection?


I want to smell dark matter
Who's the cheap knock-off?


I want to smell dark matter
Well, that was heartbreaking.


Can I have Ops?
I missed this one as I started to watch The Big Lebowski.

Should we bring back the tattoed freaks?


I want to smell dark matter
There was supposed to be one about porn but the BBC didn't want to put it on at nine because of PC gone mad or health and safety or something.


Is this real life?
It was more less the same the whole way through, so if the beginning didn't hold your attention then maybe the rest wouldn't. I found it really interesting, though. The title was very apt. All the carers/relatives were amazing in their own way. The woman whose husband had two girlfriends that he was probably having relations with was pretty amazing. You'd think she'd be in denial about it, but she was very matter of fact, even if she ultimately sounded like she would stop visiting.


I want to smell dark matter
I did laugh when she came to visit him at the end and it showed the angrier of his two girlfriends looking jealous as they talked.


Is this real life?
Yeah, I yelled "fuck off!" at the tv when they showed her. Surely the worst thing that guy's wife went through was seeing that old hag (I mean this in a sensitive way of course) naked.