Louis Theroux: Law And Disorder In Lagos


I want to smell dark matter

"HI MENTY." (He'll never read this.)


I want to smell dark matter
It was an interesting documentary.

But I kind of wish Louis would go back to interviewing wacky porn stars and people who talk to aliens for a while.


Is this real life?
I haven't seen it all yet, but I found it a bit boring. Every so often Louis asks a question that hits a nerve, but in between there's a lot of over-explanation of the bullshitty racket system, or whatever other institution he's visiting.

It's interesting to see Louis going to dangerous places and somehow getting out alive, but I agree, I'd like to see him go back to his wackier, more light hearted subjects.


I want to smell dark matter
He didn't really attempt to explain WHY Lagos is like that and how those fake unions came to be.


Is this real life?
That MC guy seemed pretty dopey. The one that always spoke to Louis should've started a coup.


I want to smell dark matter
It was funny when Louis kept insisting on looking in the bag at the money and the other guy was looking around in fear. Then he claimed the second bag was "just a bag" that happened to be sitting there next to the one stuffed with cash.