Love is unpredictable...


Like a walk in the rain
Like chocolate chip cookies in the fall
Like a Tom Jones song
Like leaving your cake out in the rain...oops, I already did rain
Like an umbrella sundae
Like two cool kids just shootin' the breeze
Like a long lost friend just poppin' up one day
Like a really good movie that you missed the ending of because the film broke, and you go get a refund, but they won't give it to you because you snuck in...
Like a three leggged race
Like this post
Like that special someone who is never good for you...
Friday said:
Like a walk in the rain
Damp wet clothes that chafe?
Like chocolate chip cookies in the fall
Stale cause they've been sitting in the cupboard since spring?
Like a Tom Jones song
The remake of, "Momma told me not to come"?
Like leaving your cake out in the rain...oops, I already did rain
....yeah...and you'll never have that recipie again..blah, blah blah
Like an umbrella sundae
And you wonder why Mary Poppins smells like sour milk?
Like two cool kids just shootin' the breeze
"Yo dog, 'sup"
"Howz it hanging, home skillet, got any crack?"
"Hell yiahhhh boyyyeee, come bax to my crib, my biatch will get us some forties and we'll light one and watch a Spike Lee movie"
Like a long lost friend just poppin' up one day
"Hi, it's face, where are your Wheaties, and can I piss in them?"
Like a really good movie that you missed the ending of because the film broke, and you go get a refund, but they won't give it to you because you snuck in...
Instant Karma.
Like a three leggged race
Has John Holmes risen from the grave?
Like this post
Sorry, I passed out for a minute. Damned insulin shock.
Like that special someone who is never good for you...
"Hi, it's face, where are your Corn Flakes, and can I piss in them?"

Peter, you made me laugh, and knocked me out of my funk. That was incredibly sweet of you. Thank you. :)
Love is like a box of chocolates...after a few years in the attic it makes you throw up and you throw it out.
Does BabelFish have a VG translator?

English to ValleyGirl

ValleGirl to French?

RussianMailOrderbride to LonelyWhiteGuy via MartianBirthingpsycho-HypnoDoohicky?