Lucky You

I Love Cunt

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#1 My avatar is stupid. I love cunt is supposed to be more bitchy and pissed off and that avatar is far too relaxing for the likes of me this morning.
(I just looked, its afternoon now)

Fuck You!

I Love Cunt

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You are so knowledgable about things and stuff that you often like to tell others about this knowledge on things and stuff. Lucky you. You get to share this with others.
Lucky Me.

I Love Cunt

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All I eat and consume all day long are fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables! I eat whole foods. Meat. No dairy, no wheat, no white rice, no potatoes. No processed foods, very little sugars.

I am not supposed to drink coffee, but being that I am a student I have found it neccesary again. I like non-dairy creamer in my coffee, specifically Irish Creme. Fuck Yes. If I am going to drink coffee, might as well do it right.

So when you told me this morning that it is really bad for me it really really really pissed me off. SO WHAT WHO CARES? I DON'T GIVE A RATS ASS YOU MOTHER FUCKER!

Would you like to go over everything I eat and tell me how good or bad it is for me? Would you like me to tell you how watching soap operas all week is bad for you? Would you like me to comment on you coming home drunk the other night?

And thank you for not noticing or commenting on how nice the house looked either.


I Love Cunt

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Lucky You.
I won't be spending any more time with you.
Lucky me.
You used to complain about how I didn't "bond" with you. "Hang out" with you. Lets see.....I've done runs with you, I spent a whole season training with you, I've done this and that for you and for you. Have you joined me in any of my activities? No.

So good bye.


Elder Statesman
I am lucky to occasionally talk with someone who is charming and unpredictable (or so they think, I'm observing them). Moments of the lewd thoughts punctuated by wide-eyed innocence, and then followed by sighs that should not be made when driving.

Lucky me.