Macbook repair

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
I have a Macbook pro that got diet soda spilled on it a couple of years ago. It belonged to my ex-wife. (She spilled the Coke on it, not me) She just put it in the closet because they quoted north of $1000 to get it repaired. She gave it to me a few days ago, and I took it up to the Apple store to get a quote. Same story. Is there a cheaper way to get these repaired? Can the motherboards for these be purchased outright so I can replace it? It's a model A1151 Apple MacBook Pro Core Duo 2.16 with a 17" screen.


Let's fuck some shit up
Google, google, google.

Some of the logic boards for macs can be found online, but, as I said, you'll probably have to go to Mac to get the parts. Just avoid letting them do the work. That's where they get you.