Marina Abramović on Yugoslavian Culture

Somewhere below all them boobies and weiners and puddies was a powerful artistic statement by one of the most amazing performance artists of this generation.

But once they showed the boobies I'll be damned if I can remember what that statement was.
a) "Balkan" does not equal "Yugoslavia"
b) yes, I am. Whatchoo gonna do 'bout it? :P

Yugoslavia is also a region in Southern Europe. I can provide citations if you'd like, but I don't want to detract from the discussion of some fat Macedonian dude jacking off in a field.
^ha! that's nothing new to Celtic Pagans, but I've never seen a group of men (or even one actually) banging the ground before.
Bumping this thread to make sure that everybody knows that I knew about Marina Abramovic before Lady Gaga made her cool by posing in a nude video.