Massive Bea/Freddie bust-up!


I want to smell dark matter
Not even sure what it's about, but she hates him now!

Sadly it looks like it'll be Marcus versus Freddie for eviction with the old Dark Horse going though. :(


I want to smell dark matter
Marcus is funny.


I want to smell dark matter
He is, but he's also the motherfucking Dark Horse. Who would we watch if he left, Bea and Rodrigo kicking off over Frostie covered mattresses?


Is this real life?
I dunno, maybe they could set them a few more tasks for a change.


I want to smell dark matter
They're now free to discuss nominations past, present and future because of the rule break. And they've all basically said they'll nominate Freddie and Marcus.

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
Oh great BB, so first you go lax on the fucking rules because one of the people who's favoured to win broke the rules again and they can't figure out how to deal with it, but now they've basically let Lisa and co. vote out all the interesting people.

So I guess it's just going to be weeks of bitching, smoking, bad singing, smoking, bitching, bitching, bitching?