Troll Kingdom

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Matthew Shepard is in Hell, get over it.

Reverend Phelps

New member

Monument dedicated to Matthew Shepard's Entry Into Hell, which WBC intends to erect in Casper City Park as a solemn Memorial that God Hates Fags & Fag-Enablers
Messenger said:
Heard? Who is your gay mentor this week, Gurk?

I didn't tell anyone here about your other job "mentoring" to questioning youth down at GLSEN headquarters, Messy. They must have found out all on their own.

So, is this "group" of yours a gay group?
Oh jeez, why so many faggot threads? Matthew Sheppard and all faggots like him deserve what he got. Not because of God. God is a fictional character, just like the Easter Bunny or Santa Claus. Faggots are disgusting period. Don't need a God to justify executing these fucks. If you ask Thuggie, there needs to be a holocaust in the country. Just take some shithole state -- Mississippi, Alabama, Nebraska, Arkansas -- annex it and set up ovens and bbqs all over w/mass graves. We can eliminate the homo problem, the molestation problem and AIDS all in one big swoop
Messenger said:
^I will negrep anyone who responds to him.
Still stands regardless, and will be .Quoted after each fuax pas troll Thug Angel attempts yet manages to attain due to the deluge of hapless victims.
Sad. This is what it's come to. Your "trolls" here are so pathetic and are embarrassing you so much that you have to resort to this to save face for TK. How pathetic. You're a bigger faggot than Sheppard. Hopefully you'll be 6 feet under next to him soon
You've tried these tactics before to ruin one of Thuggie's threads, and you FAILED. Can't get over that still, eh? That your antiquated and poor excuse for being a spoiler failed. How does it feel to be inferior to a Thug who you claim is a pissant on the hieracrchy of trolldom? The Angel owns you, bitch. Now do what Thug knows you'll do and respond to this like a good bitch: with a "." or "?" or "^" or the always creative "Cunt."