My video response to Bad Dog. I would have done a more professional job but I didn't have much time today.
McCain will win. It's in the cards.
Nice vid, man.
What's the name of your editing suite again?
Bush brought us to this, and it's interesting that there's 700 billion in the reserve to toss at this instantly, and people are losing their jobs and homes without help, yet the government wants to help out these financial institutions that got us into this mess to begin with.
It's about the money, not the bailout. You realize the Fed is just printing this shit up on paper to produce the "money" right? They're MAKING it, and then calling it currency. It doesn't exist even yet. There's absolutely nothing backing this currency, it isn't in reserve, their going to print it up for the bailout.
That's my issue, just more fraud. Printing up 700 billion and calling it currency will continue to depress the dollar.
My problem is the fear mongering. This seems to be the only way Bush can govern. If you can see back far enough, and replace "financial crisis" with "war on terror" and "weapons of mass destruction" you'll see that it's eerily similar. That's all I'm saying. This RUSH to "save us from certain financial doom" is the same as the RUSH to "save us from the terrorists".