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Mental Illness


New member
There is a lot of it on these doubt about it. How do you think I got so much information on everyone??? I did it by acting like a lunatic so they could relate to me.

On to Cho...............everyone can beat this dead horse, the guy was a psychopath.......that much was obvious. He could have been treated with medicine and counseling but nobody is looking at the BIGGEST picture of all in all the psychiatric babbling going on.

10-15 years ago 50% of mental health institutions were closed by the guberment. If you are one of the lucky people to have health insurance you probably know that if you are ever treated for depression, anxiety or any other mental condition............your insurance company will only pay 50% of the cost if that. Alzheimers Disease falls in the psychiatric disorder catergory in ICD-9 & CPT coding so Medicare will only pay 50% of any office visit, 25% of psychiatric hospitalization, the co-pays are higher, the deductibles are higher and most people cannot afford it since psychiatric conditions require numerous trips to a physicians office.

Then......................try to find a good Board Certified Psychiatrist........see how long it takes to get an appointment. Some offices won't even file your insurance for you.
Needless to is not a lucrative medical career for students considering they have one of the longest intern and residency programs and can expect to make half the income of a Radiologist or Dermatologist.
I love how all the media overanalyze this whole thing and they will come up with the same conclusion they always come up with which is NOTHING but the biggest mass murder on a college campus.

This guy had a brain disorder. Period. I worked in this field for almost 15 years and there are thousands of other walking time bombs out there. All it takes is some kind of major event to trigger their killer instincts. Everyone copes in a different way..........some people cry, most decompensate in one way or another, some get depressed, some commit suicide, some go on a killing rampage. I don't think there is an answer because we have a growing mental health problem in this country.........why do you think our prisons are overcrowded? why do we have so many homeless?? do you think the people sitting on off-ramps of the freeways are sane? NO. We don't have enough trained mental health professionals and most psychiatric institutions have been closed. It is expensive to treat mental illness, it is easier to look the other way.

One psychiatrist on MSNBC said it right.............these people are kind of like seizure patients who have motor neuron misfirings...........a lot of them cannot even remember what they did once they are stabilized on medication.........the problem is they forget to take their meds, cannot afford them or are never treated, never stabilized on the right medicine. A lot of seizure patients end up with brain injuries that include psychosis. Parkinson's disease patients end up with Alzheimers Disease or "memory loss"........dementia. There are instances of a lot of them being violent.
Then there is me.....................just think of all the things that have happened to me at the hands of people on message Then they hid, gassed me, tried to sever my head with my garage door, made me a criminal, ruined my life.

Stuff like this triggers people to do crazy things. Everyone handles it are lucky I didn't go on a a bigger rampage than I did...........I took mine in a different direction.........I lobbied law enforcement, tricked you guys, trolled you guys, I went on a campaign to bring justice to the people who did evil things only I didn't do it with a gun. I did it with my mind and the ability to outmanuever the smartest of you by letting you hang yourselves. It has taken almost three years, it might take three more years...............but I will do it in a different way. You guys need to think about this when you do crazy shit to people.
Especially when law enforcement, military, people in powerful positions do crazy shit to others. My case is also different in that I knew how to handle all the dirty assholes who abused their is why I would never consider resorting to murder..............they will end up doing themselves in. More careers will be ruined, prison sentences will be handed down, families ruined, depression, mayhem, suicide.

I would like to suggest to some of you to visit the Empire State building to see what window on the 69th floor can be easily opened.
That one is interesting.
And to all the GOOD people in my church who know what is going on.............your mind-fuck games are not what I would expect out of Christians.

All of this reflects badly on you. I will end up looking good.............the rest of you will end up looking like what you are.