mental patient of the year award


beer, I want beer
In responding to something on another thread, it occured to me that our resident retards like Charles, or Luci, or Jillian, are not only important to this board's survival, they are KEY figures in our history and as such deserve an accolade created just for them. I call it the Galvanized Internet Mental Patient of the Year award, or GIMPY for short.

See, a good message board community isn't just about its most prolific and prominent posters, especially in the case of a troll style board. It's also about the whipping boys: those thickheaded bastards who exist only to take beating after beating, gamely getting up and coming back for more no matter how bad the punishment gets. These are our redheaded stepchildren; they are our cannon fodder; our practice dummies on which we hone our skills.

The gimp is not just a regular idiot who posts stupid shit and runs away. The gimp is a gamer, making post after post in the face of overwhelming defeat. The gimp galvanizes the whole board into lengthy discussions; the gimp creeps his way into every topic; the gimp is a solid steel splinter in the fingernail of the whole community. We feed gimp to our young and watch as they bat him around; we deliberately poke him to stir up trouble when things get boring.

We need our gimp, and we must honor him.

So I would like to propose a vote for Troll Kingdom's first ever Galvanized Internet Mental Patient of the Year award. The winner will receive the venerated imaginary trophy cup, recognition as an upper echelon retard, and a lifetime supply of verbal beatdowns. Further, the winner will receive automatic consideration to the GIMP hall of fame, where we honor those punching bags who gave their all for the good of the TK community.

So vote! Who is most deserving? Place yer bets! ps multiple votes are available. Long ago GIMPs will be eligible for Gimp hall of fame status, but for this award candidate must be an active GIMP within the last 12 months.


beer, I want beer
didn't want to skew the results. I'll vote later.


What happened to Dork Lord?


He tired of TK and now posts seemingly exclusively at his own board. He also plays alot of superhero themed Facebook games.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
None of the people in the poll are important to TK's survival. We need better crazies, imo.


beer, I want beer
Since Jillian was banned, nobody is worthy of holding such a title.

Well, I was thinking we could call it the Bacardi Cup in her honor. Aspire to greatness, you mental patients!


Shifty sumbitch
Hey Gagh, let me have the 'Little One' dual :sarek:


beer, I want beer
What happened to Dork Lord?

massive real-fake-real-fake-real again internet meltdown that spread itself across three boards. Although I personally feel Charles edges him out for mental patient of the year, I had to acknowledge the splash he made on his way out the door. And Dork Lord comes out strong in the "timex" category, for being able to take a licking and keep on ticking. Guy was like Rocky Balboa in his ability to take punishment and shrug it off...


Shifty sumbitch
Four, though I put a stop to that bit.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


Retired Account


beer, I want beer
Ah, I always knew I was important to the survival of TK. I do thank you all for admitting to this fact. About time you finally did so. Denial is not good for the psyche. I do love the part where many claim I was 'run out', when I simply left of my own accord, just as I have left TV due to excessive admin abuse of my account. No point in visiting a site when your own profile is locked by the American dipshits.

Please hurry up with the award. I am currently preparing my acceptance speech. Lots of 'fuck yous'.


beer, I want beer
Hate to break it to ya, lucy, but you're currently getting your ass whipped in this contest by a retarded black man. If you hadn't voted for yourself, a completely mental patient move I must admit, it wouldn't even be close.

So how does Charles' ass taste Lucy? You should do something about that uppity colored boy before he makes you his girlfriend.


Elder Statesman

He was funny.

And he's "banned" and the account is screwed up.

And some people think he was Sardy.

'nuf said.


beer, I want beer
Ironclad can go up for consideration in the GIMP hall of fame, but he wasn't active in 2009, was he? I only considered mental patients who plied their trade in the last calendar year. Otherwise, Jillian and jack during his heyday would take the award going away. Or hambil for going from popular to reviled to popular to reviled to unimportant. little rodent's gonna get whiplash from all that seesawing....


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Yeah, since the lobotomy and shock treatments I've mellowed somewhat.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
Hate to break it to ya, lucy, but you're currently getting your ass whipped in this contest by a retarded black man. If you hadn't voted for yourself, a completely mental patient move I must admit, it wouldn't even be close.

So how does Charles' ass taste Lucy? You should do something about that uppity colored boy before he makes you his girlfriend.

Luci needs to be struck from the list also. We don't need to insult mental patients by nominating him.


Yes. The last thing we need to be doing, is confusing the line between crazies and idiots.