Troll Kingdom

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beer, I want beer
I should like to take this moment to announce I have hereby decided to place MESSENGER on my IGNORE list. I will no longer see anything he has posted as a result. Please keep this in mind people because I can GUARANTEE he will continue to respond to every single post I make. Remember, you have seen me mention MESSENGER is on IGNORE. If he responds to any of my posts, I would ask that you watch carefully. He will start off by responding to my posts normally, then slowly he will feel rage until he begins bombarding the board with demands that I take him off ignore like he did last time
(he was saying something about wanting proof?)

STUPID FUCK! 'Oh no but I never demanded you take me off ignore!' Pfft. PWned pal!!
I Told You so

Did I not tell you people I made MESSENGER my bitch? Although I have him on IGNORE, he continues to post in DAYCARE (it is now called SAINTLUCIFER'S HELL). No doubt he is angered by my having placed him on IGNORE. I need only glance at my screen to know he is posting left and right, even spamming. Poor child and his little temper tantrum. Did I call it or what? I told you so...
Amazing that MESSENGER continues to post when he KNOWS I have him on IGNORE. I am incredulous. Can any other be equally stupid? Why post when I cannot see what he has posted?? I told you he did this before and he is doing it yet again. What further proof does one need he is a complete and utter MORON? Naturally I expect to keep him on permanent ignore. I also expect him to post yet again demanding that I remove him from my ignore list as he did previously

beergoggles said:
Can I be next?

Nah. You are not some idiot who follows people around. The only reason you are even here is to defend yourself. I have not a problem with that. I EXPECT you to defend yourself. MESSENGER on the other hand follows me into here because he is one angry faggot who is upset that he can no longer stick my cock into his mouth and suck me dry. You have a reason to be here. He does not.
SaintLucifer said:
Nah. You are not some idiot who follows people around. The only reason you are even here is to defend yourself. I have not a problem with that. I EXPECT you to defend yourself. MESSENGER on the other hand follows me into here because he is one angry faggot who is upset that he can no longer stick my cock into his mouth and suck me dry. You have a reason to be here. He does not.
If you had any sense of decency you would put me on ignore. The last thing I need is your Down's syndrome-like blather choking up the pristine logic and immaculate prose of my posts. What I have to offer is far above anything you have the capacity to deal with.

Save us both the disappointment and put me on ignore.
beergoggles said:
If you had any sense of decency you would put me on ignore. The last thing I need is your Down's syndrome-like blather choking up the pristine logic and immaculate prose of my posts. What I have to offer is far above anything you have the capacity to deal with.

Save us both the disappointment and put me on ignore.

Nah. I would rather not. You are free to post in my forum but you must pay homage to your master whom all call SAINTLUCIFER. My fame spreads throughout Troll Kingdom. How else to explain the many visits by my fans to this particular corner of Troll Kingdom? No doubt you wanted a piece of my greatness and hoped to be blessed by me. I grant you your wish. Feel free to continue with your existence within the entity that is Troll Kingdom and know that I OWN it. Many denizens of Troll Kingdom extoll the virtues of living in my shadow. It is a wonderful thing to be certain. Feel free to experience the thrill that one derives from knowing the all-famous SAINTLUCIFER.
beergoggles said:
Well put. Now fuck off.

You must learn to control your anger lest you fall victim to the dark side of Troll Kingdom. Resorting to such childish insults is a grave weakness that will only get you trouble. It is not wise to invite trouble. Upon my discourse with you, I have discovered you have neither the mental capacity nor the gonads to deal with trouble.
What Did I Tell You All?

See? MESSENGER has completely lost it. I told you he would become angry because I have him on IGNORE. Poor child. Such a temper tantrum he is throwing in my forum. Tch, tch. I cannot help but laugh. That is rather sad though. Losing one's temper simply because someone ignores one. I almost feel for him. Perhaps mommy did not hug him enough as a child hence the demand that everyone pay him some attention??
Keep going little man. The more you reveal your anger the more everyone will realise you are showing that anger to someone who has you on IGNORE. The only thing I can see is your name. You know this hence the multiple posts. You intend to knock my posts off the first page. This way everyone pays attention to YOU rather than me. Little children act in exactly the same manner. You cannot bear to see me receiving any attention. It is like you are screaming 'pay attention to me, not him!'. Why else would you be here, especially since you KNOW I have you on ignore. Can you say 'PWned' without cringing?