
Elder Statesman
The MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry and Ranging (MESSENGER) probe is in orbit of Mercury. Took a LOT of maneuvering and time to get there, but even with the 3 brief fly-bys we've already increased what we know of Mercury by an order of magnitude. Now with the probe in orbit, we should learn a lot more about this planet.

I'm all for maned space missions, but it sure looks like we get a lot of "bang for the buck" from these probes. Hopefully this one will be as successful as the two Mars rovers have been!

Good Job to all of those involved! :D


Holy Roman Emperor
This is exciting. Even though Mercury is a barren ball of rock and iron, new discoveries always interest me.

BTW, I'm in before Luci comes in and starts some pointless blather about how "If it was a Canadian probe, it would've gotten there sooner", when in reality, assuming the rocket didn't blow up on the launch pad, the only way a Canadian probe would get to Mercury is by crashing into the planet, Leeroy Jenkins-style.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Shit. I thought this was going to be another Paul meltdown.


Unluckiest Charm in the Box
Its amazing how that probe has already been able to detect swings in temperature from as much as 800 degrees Farenheit on the sunlit side, and temperature as low as 300 below zero on the far night side


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Kinda like a rectal thermometer, eh?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Well, I certainly understand how painful it's become for you, little Rectal Itch.

Enjoy your cybering. :bigass:


New Member
Shit. I thought this was going to be another Paul meltdown.
I thought this was NOT going to be another 'Paul' meltdown, just a meltdown where Paul was NOT special, where you might have thought Paul was another passing thought. But Paul is NOT another passing thought. Hello, my good cuddly Jew friend. How are you this fine Nevada evening?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I'm not telling you how I am, but it looks like you (and your main) are STILL pwnt.



New Member
Word around, you got around a lot of friends around downtown. "I got enough of this fucking factory so far up your ass that your shit snow for a year".

"Targetting... Come Quietly or there will be trouble.
Oh... FUCK YOU!!!""


Stupid fucking noob.


New Member


New Member
So it go so far up your ass, that we got trouble up op your ass. No a problem.


New Member


New Member



The Legendary Troll Kingdom
maybe it is you. You're certainly drunk enough


New Member
maybe it is you. You're certainly drunk enough
But never certainly Messenger enough. Dare to try your luck?


New Member
I am still Tetris Champion and none of you inferiorlites can change that.