Metaphor BBS


Boobie inspector
A: I have a great idea for a board, lets have a place where everyone can be thereself!
Everyone else: Great idea!
A: Wow, this is great, so many different people, all different backgrounds, a real mixing ground.
B: Yeah, but theres a few I don’t like.
A: Well ignore them
B: But there is one person I really don’t like
A: Why, hes just being himself just like everyone else!
B: Yeah, but I just don’t like his personality.
A: But there are a lot more people here you do like though right?
B Right, but I don’t think I can stay unless Z leaves.
A: I’m not asking Z to leave, he has as much right to be here as anyone else.
B: Then I am leaving, and its Z’s fault
C: Damn you Z, why did you make my friend leave?
Z: I didn’t really do anything.
C: You must have, rational people don’t just leave small internet communities for nothing!
Z: I am pretty sure they do, in fact that’s pretty much the nature of internet communities, and communities in general.
C: I have had it with your constant fucking arguing, I’m leaving too!
D: Oh great going Z, now you have made B and C leave!
Z: I didn’t really do anything!
D: Fuck you, thats two friends I will never see again!
Z: DOnt you talk to them on MSN every night, and are on two or three other boards with them?
D: I liked them being on this board, its so fucking friendly!
Z: alrighty then
D: Your attitude sucks, I hate you more than I love my friends that are still here, so I am going too, to spite you!
Z: Ok, bye then I guess.
E: Dont you care all these people have left because of you?
Z: I didn’t make them leave, they made their own minds up
E: you are so callous and heartless, you are board poison, I’m leaving too!
Z: Ok, but I haven’t really done anything.
F: you are such a bastard, I am going to vonc you from your position of power.
Z: I haven’t broken any board rules
F: your arguing again, I hate that, I am going through some crappy things with my personal life that I cant resolve and have lots of pent up anger, so I am channelling that at you.
Z: ok knock yourself out
F: Why don’t you care how upset you are making me?
Z: I’m not really doing anything apart from countering your argument which represents a position not grounded in truth, but heavily distorted by your own opions.
F: you will never admit when you are wrong will you?
Z: I would if I was
F: Arrggg! I’m leaving
G: me too, even though I aren’t really interested in anything thats going on, but this movement against Z is bordering on the trendy now.
Z: Ok, see you around I guess
H: You evil twat, I am going to start a poll to see if people like you or not.
Z: ok then
H: Ha! The pole says nine of our remaining members don’t like you.
Z: But the other 9 do.
H: They are too stupid to realise how evil you are, and if the other people you hadn’t made leave were here you would have lost that vote.
Z: and what would that have proved?
H: that people don’t like you!
Z: but some people do
H: but more people don’t!
Z: but why should I care what people who don’t like me think of me?
H: thats it, from now on I will follow you to other boards you post at and make a nuisance of myself until everyone there sees how evil you are.
Z : Ok, that sounds sane.

The end
When people say "shut up about all that LONAF crap" it doesn't mean "shut up about all that LONAF crap everyone except whisky because he's a cool guy."
No, Rich, it's not.

You know it's not.

I know it's not.

Everyone fucking knows it's not.

You can't keep on playing the victim when people get annoyed at you when you create a passive-agressive "It's not ME it's EVERYONE ELSE again!" thread like this.

It wont help anything. It wont help the people who want to defend you, it wont help the people who don't like you. All it does it stir shit so you can shit back and say "But it's STILL NOT MEEEE other people are arguing too!!"

Just stop.
You should have posted it in NHB to give everyone something to have an aneurysm over.
It's weird that we used to get worked up about message boards.
