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Every time there's a meteor shower I go outside and LOOK AND LOOK, but I never see any meteors. I have to live vicariously through others who can see them.
well not thru me sugar tits.

we will have to live vicariously thru someone else in tandum, last meteor i saw was halle bop. or some shit like that around the milenium.

also saw mental shower in the new forest with my ex around my 25th birthday, cunt.
During the meteor showers in August I went up to the mountains in the complete dark to watch, then to a big open field another night. I finally live in an area not close to the city so it was pretty amazing Cassie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll look tonight.
I saw a few during the Perseid shower back in August or whenever. It's been cloudy tonight, will check tomorrow.
I went out and did not look up.

But then again, I live in the city and would not have seen much if anything anyhow. So it's all a wash really.
I stood outside in the cold for as long as I could take it.. NOT ONE METEOR :rwmad:
that's too bad. all we could see were whiteouts here...second snow day in a kids are happy!

what's the temp where you are ?