Mexico and Immigrants


New member
I don't feel like scrolling down the other thread and posting this, but this just blew my mind:

While Interior Secretary Carlos Abascal said Monday that "Mexico is a country with a clear, defined and generous policy toward migrants," the nation of 105 million has legalized only 15,000 immigrants in the past five years, and many undocumented migrants who are detained are deported.

Link to incredible hypocrisy
South America. If you read the article you'll understand how they discriminate against people slightly darker-skinned than themselves.
Mexico is just a weird place. Packed full of people with absolutely no shame, it's annoying and heart breaking all at once.
Stepping Over the Line

Ever since he crossed into Mexico, Jose Moises has had nothing but trouble. Now the 30-year-old Honduran mechanic is hunkered down with other young illegal migrants in a rail yard just north of Mexico City, waiting for nightfall to hop a northbound freight. He displays a pale line encircling his finger. He used to have a ring there, he says, until Mexican cops slammed him against a squad car in the southern border state of Chiapas and grabbed it. "They took everything," says Moises. "Here the Central American has no value."
Laker_Girl said:
Where the fuck do you gotta be from to want to immigrate to Mexico???

For the most part, they're not migrating to Mexico, just through Mexico on their way here.

And the ones that are deported are the lucky ones -- there are many, many reports of robberies, rapes and murder -- on the part of Mexican police and military.