MFR content: Your favourite MF moment?


I want to smell dark matter
Mine has to be that time BAMPOT38 returned after a sixteen month absence, posted pictures of his "new legs" (some ducks) then replied to every Cassie post with "HOW MUCH IS THAT CASSIE IN THE WINDOW?" After eighteen days of this he finally stopped and BAMPOT38'S MUM appeared on the board and explained that her son had been arrested for "that gay murder scandal" and would "never fucking post on this shithole again you cunts." Then the board went down for three days and when it return all of the BAMPOT family posts were deleted and everyone claimed not to remember them and Cow and Cacophony distracted us all by being "online married" by CANCERSTORM.

I also liked it when Retortrek posted about her toilet.

Dr Dave

Thanks for posting this thread.

I remember the time Ninnyposter 27 tried to post a series of stories about his time trapped in an Indian Casino. The problem being he wrote it in what we thought was Chinese, but was in fact "just some language he made up and added a few 'oriental words' (that the term he used). He ended up fleeing the board after Tisiphone just got "fed up with his fucky bitch ass".

Good times...

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
I just love that Eggs Mayonnaise was created as a temporary troll dual to fight Jillian, not knowing that he would one day RULE THE WORLD. *inserts pinky into corner of mouth*


Also, I loved it when LargeMargeFromElDeBarge turned into a Samsonite suitcase with wings and flew herself to Holland to become a folk-singing heroin addict YEAH!


I want to smell dark matter
I also liked it when my cat stood on the keyboard one time and LEMONCURRY thought it was "creative spam" and I realised I never had to think before I posted again...


Touching the monolith
Staff member
The time Darthsikle and Faceman took off their clothes and ran about the forum screaming NEELIX IS SEXY. Wacky hit them with a Stone Cold Stunner.


RAPEMAN_69 after being caught by his partner dowloading THUNDERCATS PORN. What a night.


I want to smell dark matter
"You said you only liked rape porn!"


Retired Account
The time i negged every single one of Dr_Dace's posts with "..." for two months.

That was a great time.


I want to smell dark matter
Remember when Hambil made it so that any Karma given or received automatically appears on your Facebook account, even if you don't have one? Then his dick exploded?

Dr Dave

I remember the time MadPoster 19 tossed a fit about the Security Exchange commission, when the discussion was about the FEC (Federal Elections Commission), that corgy pie!


I want to smell dark matter
That wound is still new to me.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
My real true favorite mf moment was the moment I discovered it. I fell in love with all you weirdos.


I want to smell dark matter
That comment moved me...TO A BIGGER HOUSE.

(Remember that thread where we talked in non-sensical Simpsons quotes?)


Can I have Ops?
I still SQUEAL the time GEORGIEBOYPUDDING came from the automotive repair forum and called us all CAMSHAFT FUCKERS for two days before admitting he was a raving bed wetting communist and tried to kiss Dr Dave FULL ON THE LIPS. We all tried to think of ways to get rid of him, but Seph got bored with the discussion and just killed him with his bare hands.

I shall remember Eggs laughing as the air gurgled from his throat.

Good times


I want to smell dark matter
That was the origin of Seph's "I have blood on my hands...literally. Cunt." catchphrase.

Dr Dave

Man, remember the time UnionJackFlamingo decided it would be hilarious to buy underpants with the french flag on it and then post pix. This naturally caused an incident between UnionJackFlamingo and BritishPoster 19. Nearly tore the board apart that one did, caused Fuddlemiff some sleepless nights.


I want to smell dark matter
Remember when FANDROID ate the Badlands?