Minutemen building the fence themselves.


Factional Warfare
In a classic case of 'since the lawmakers are idiots we'll do it ourselves', I saw a story yesterday about the minutemen building a two-tier floodlit fence in Arizona. The reporter kept stepping across the border going U.S, Mexico. U.S., Mexico. You know some lawmaker went "So?" at his TV. Idiots.
That's because legislators, by and large (much like the reporter, apparently) don't give a shit, because they don't have to live on the border and deal with the attendant crime that comes with illegal border-crossing themselves. Put these reporters, their bosses and the governors of these states on border land for a week or two and watch how fast their opinions change.
No, the reporter was making the obvious point that SOMETHING has to be done, and pondering whether this was the best solution, while noting it damn sure beat nothing at all being done. Don't misunderstand, he was trying to point out how stupid the current setup is.