Miss Manners, Please tell TomTrek and LoveChild not to Hijack my threads!

Mommy Bridgette

New Member
Dear Miss Manners, I wrote a page for those who agree with me on Minefield. I told the reader that they were not to hijack the thread nor vomit cursings and such.
I am sad to say that Tomtrek and LoveChild decided to disregard my reasonable request. I therefore ask you to speak to them both abnout this issue.
I am not certain of all the rules of Troll Kingdom, and so if I have disobeyed any I profusely apologize. However, is it unreasonable to request those who disagree with my views to refrain from hijacking my threads? i don;t think it is, and they know I prefer not to hear their blasphemy, cursings and sexual innuendo.
I will update you if these two individuals or others continue to do so. Please, to those who disagree with my views, I ask that you respect the Official Page for The Traditional family Values Alliance For the Purification Of Troll Kingdom on Minefield. While you may dislike or disagree with my views, you have a whole board to vomit your blasphemy, depravity and moral degeneracy. Please leave my thread there alone, as I will report you should you deicde to disregard my courteous request.

Again, Miss Manners, please speak to TomTek and LoveChild. Thank You!


Mommy Bridgette

Love Child

One Love
Maybe you should try harder at converting me MB.
Maybe it would help if you didn't have a pornographic picture as your avatar. Unless he is indeed a helpless man who has no control of his bowels and his adult diaper just happens to be being changed in the day care.

Mommy Bridgette

New Member
Dear, I am the Mother of two Adult Babies. I am sorry that you find that pronographic. I do not.

I am proud to be the mother of two Adult Babies: my boy Mutant Hitler and my girl Amanda. Both of them are in my care and indeed, I do change their diapers, feed them and care for them.

It is sad that you don't understand our lifestyle, but then you don't need to. I am a Christian woman, and I am simply asking you respect my request on my thread in the Minefield. I have sent a PM to missmanners, and will have her decide the issue.

If you could be so kind as to do as I am requesting, I would appreciate it. Thank You!


lkjewro23piqjur2oijkslfaw e
You're a loony.

Mommy Bridgette

New Member
I am sorry you feel that way, young lady.

However, your allowed to your views. I suggest you attend Bible Study.

Mommy Bridgette

New Member
Maybe you should try harder at converting me MB.
Maybe it would help if you didn't have a pornographic picture as your avatar. Unless he is indeed a helpless man who has no control of his bowels and his adult diaper just happens to be being changed in the day care.

BTW, I do have a fully furnished nursery for both of them. So that isn;t too unfair a representation of what daily life is like for me. The only thing is that I'm more beautiful then the woman in the avatar and Mutant dosen't have a beard.


Unluckiest Charm in the Box
BTW, I do have a fully furnished nursery for both of them. So that isn;t too unfair a representation of what daily life is like for me. The only thing is that I'm more beautiful then the woman in the avatar and Mutant dosen't have a beard.

These rooms wouldne happen to have padded walls would they? :)

Love Child

One Love
BTW, I do have a fully furnished nursery for both of them. So that isn;t too unfair a representation of what daily life is like for me. The only thing is that I'm more beautiful then the woman in the avatar and Mutant dosen't have a beard.

you are such a sick fuck. Grow fur and go fuck a furry.


Shifty sumbitch
Don't punish the furries that way, LC.


Shifty sumbitch
If they're goth and/or emo, nah.

I Love Cunt

Watch It
Don't punish the furries that way, LC.

I know, sorry. It was the first thing that came to my mind-actually, not true, but I didn't post the first thought.

By the Way: What the Fuck Is An Adult Baby?! Jesus Christ! Give me a fucking break! Please...do enlighten me!

I Love Cunt

Watch It
No, she says its not sexual. I want to know what it is. Can you go to the doctor and get clinicly diagnosed as being an "Adult Baby?"


Shifty sumbitch
She says it's not sexual. She's trying to save face with her hypocracy.



The Dork Lord

Whipping Boy
By the Way: What the Fuck Is An Adult Baby?! Jesus Christ! Give me a fucking break! Please...do enlighten me!

From Wikipedia...

Paraphilic infantilism is a paraphilia characterized by the desire to wear diapers and be treated as an infant[1] or toddler. One who engages in infantilistic play is known as an adult baby (AB). About one in three adult babies is also a diaper lover (DL),[2][3] so they are collectively known as AB/DLs.[4] The majority of infantilists are heterosexual males[5].

Psychiatry Online

Mr. A, a 35-year-old single Caucasian man, contacted our clinic by telephone to schedule an evaluation because I am supposed to be a 35-year-old, but I want to be a baby. I won’t ever get married or have kids if I am stuck as a baby. During our initial telephone contact, Mr. A spoke in a soft, childlike voice. He had some difficulty providing basic demographic data and would answer questions by saying, I don’t know.

Encyclopedia Dramatica

Someone who practices infantilism is called an "infantilist" or sometimes an "adult baby" (often abbreviated "AB") and in most situations, a complete fucking lunatic. They want to be treated in a babyish way, though what that means varies widely. Usually, though, it means being diapered (some ABs use their diapers for their intended purposes, while others just wear the diapers as part of the outfit), or dressed in adult-size babyish clothing, or having a bib put on when one eats, or drinking from baby bottles, or crawling rather than walking, or having some kind of mental scarring, or a combination of these and/or other elements. Or just being a complete and utter psycho.
