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Miss Viking Fest


New member

It's interesting how whites are always the first to be accused of racism or anti-Semitism in a knee-jerk reaction, yet in practice are the most tolerant people to be found anywhere.

Racist hate mail sent to Poulsbo is directed at a young African-American woman who is "Miss Viking Fest".
She should thank her lucky stars because if a blonde, blue-eyed woman won the title of 'Miss Zulu Fest' they would probably crack her skull open.

And still cry racism.
Same old story, mate, same old story. We were angels while we built modern civilization, we're the devils now that the job's done.
Source: National Vanguard
National Vanguard said:
Black Woman Named 'Miss Viking Fest'
A reader asks, "How could this happen?"

Everything is so twisted these days that there seems little hope of returning this once-great nation to sanity.

On Tuesday, May 9th several local news channels in Seattle, Washington reported that the "All Things Scandinavian" annual Viking Festival organizers in nearby Poulsbo had received "racist" and "vicious" e-mail from people upset that a Black woman was being honored as "Miss Viking Fest."

The people who sent the e-mail letters were viewed as criminals by angry organizers, the media, and even police simply for asking the question: why is a Black woman been named queen of a festival that celebrates "all things Scandinavian" and Viking heritage? Most people think of Scandinavians as being generally fair-haired Whites with a culture as far from Africa as the earth is from Pluto.

So far the present writer has not been unable find any actual text from any of the alleged e-mail letters, but the local news paraphrased one of the messages as saying, "Why should this Negro be queen of a festival honoring mostly blond-haired, blue-eyed White people?"

Is asking such a relevant question using such language really criminal, or “racist,” or “vicious”?

Is this question the worst they could find in the emails?

The non-White festival queen was quoted as saying, "Little girls. I think they recognize me when I have my crown on. They're like 'Wow!' It feels really good to say hi to them."

"You don't have to be of Viking stock," said Kathi Foresee, Viking Fest secretary. "I don't even know that all of us that work on the organization are of Viking stock."

But then came the "hate" mail, said the reports. At least a dozen e-mails - all from outside of Poulsbo - asked festival organizers how they could let a Black woman represent a Viking Festival.

At first Jasmine says it made her, "feel really mad because you want to find out who they are, and then after that kind of the hurt, hurtfulness about it [sic]." This young Black woman was described by media sources as “very articulate,” yet I have read that quotation several times and it still doesn’t make sense to me.

"Poulsbo police are investigating the hate mail," reported the Seattle television station KOMO, an ABC-affiliate. "They also plan to keep an extra close eye out during the festival to make sure that people coming to the festival don't plan on causing trouble. But as news slowly leaked out about the hate mail - something began happening in town.

We asked people on the street their reaction: 'I'm disgusted,' Naomi Durst told us. When Linda Melseth found out, 'This just upsets me and makes me sick.'

And folks who might have ignored Miss Viking Fest a week ago are now coming out of the woodwork. Dan Downing crossed the street when he saw Campbell, just to shake her hand and congratulate her.

'It's great having you represent this area and congratulations on winning the prize you deserve it,' he said. And then he just had to add about the people who sent the hate mail, "those jerks need to be removed from the gene pool.'"

What? Did I just read that correctly? Did this Dan Downing character just say that those who question the appropriateness of this nonwhite “queen” of a Scandinavian festival should be “removed from the gene pool?”

Where are our media heroes to question this threat made by this politically-correct psycho? Where are the police?

"The outpouring has been swift and great," says Campbell's mother Peggy Stanley. "The vast majority are there for her and support her and love her."

"It feels good," adds Campbell, "it feels good to know the community is behind you."

The Poulsbo Viking Fest begins on Friday May 19, and continues through that Sunday, with a parade on Saturday May at noon. The town of Poulsbo was settled by Scandinavian immigrants.

It seems that once again Whites are being deprived of the right to preserve their culture and traditions for future generations. As soon as they try to enjoy something that reminds them of their heritage, they immediately have a “diversity celebration” forced upon them instead. If one dares to question or reject “diversity,” the “racist” moniker is immediately trotted out. At the same time, Blacks have a whole month dedicated to their history, as do Hispanics, Jews and everybody else but White Europeans.

Would a Black African festival of any sort endorse a White woman as a “queen” or the central figure in one of their celebrations? The answer is no. But Whites in the same situation are supposed to have no racial identity, no feelings, and no opinion. Is this fair? Are Whites supposed to remain silent and simply celebrate the differences?

It is frightening to see how White people like the organizers of this Scandinavian festival, as well as some Poulsbo residents (like Naomi Durst and Dan Downing mentioned above) are committing the equivalent of a hate crime against their OWN race, promoting and protecting that which is unnatural and illusory.

The mentality that prevails among these people seems like some form of insanity. The unjust and abusive accusations by organizers, the media, and residents, their intolerance of fellow Whites, and their acceptance of ethnic pride in any race other than their own portends a dark future for America, and an uncertain destiny for our children.

And now we wait for someone to come in and say that this article is racist.
NOW will you all follow my love of FASCISM? This ideology would never allow such a thing to happen. I cannot fathom why so many of you are all bleeding-heart pinko left-libbers even after a story like that. The mailed fist will stop such bullshit from continuing. Since when were Scandinavians ever NIGGERS? Time to remove the crown from such a poor example of humanity and replace the nigger cunt with a true blue-eyed blonde Nordic goddess. Shit. I have more claim to that crown than she does simply because I have probably more nordic blood than anyone else in that entire city. Fuck me.