Mission Accomplished...


Something Wicked
On May 1, 2003, President Bush stood underneath a “Mission Accomplished†banner and announced that “Major combat operations have ended. In the battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed.â€

Here’s a look at the situation then compared to the situation now, by the numbers:

The first set of numbers is May 1, 2003, the second set is as of today.

U.S. Troops Wounded: 542 then; 17,469 now
U.S. Troops Killed: 139 then; 2,400 now
Size of U.S. Forces: 150,000 then; 132,000 now
Size of Iraqi Security Forces: 7,000-9000 then; 250,500 now
Number of Insurgents: 5,000 then ; 15,000-20,000 now
Insurgent Attacks Per Day: 8 then; 75 now
Cost to U.S. Taxpayers: $79 billion then; $320 billion now
Approval of Bush’s Handling of Iraq: 75% then; 37% now
Percentage of Americans who Believe The Iraq War Was “Worth Fighting†:70% then; 41% now
Bush’s Overall Job Approval: 71% then; 38% now
And as bad as all that is, our government has been making noises about Iran, a.ka. Iraq, Part 2, a.k.a. Vietnam, Part 3.

(But we can't say anything about where the faulty Iraq intel came from, or where the unsubstantiated Iran intel is coming from, or whose enemies we've really been invading and rattling a saber at -- noooo, that would be "anti-Semitic.")
Maybe this has all just been 'afterglow' since making his climactic proclamation.
Now now, we know those troops just hung that mission accomplished banner in plain sight of the camera with no foreknowledge of where the president would be standing, completely on their own and by accident. The president was as suprised as anyone.
We go into Iran, and Tel Aviv will be cratered. They can and will do it. And you know what's sad about that, is that once that happens, it won't make any difference what we do.