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New member
So who is missmanners now??? #1, #2, #3??? Personally, I thought Red Whacker was much better than the IRS auditor/investigator thug who used to run this board.
Cleo is installing a new format , tiny portal for simple machines. it willl be up tognight at the latest, despite the lie you have posted everywhere. TW is paid for till december. try a new lie jack.
trollwarssnoopd said:
Cleo is installing a new format , tiny portal for simple machines. it willl be up tognight at the latest, despite the lie you have posted everywhere. TW is paid for till december. try a new lie jack.

Right. Just like I said. New Format = Starting from scratch :bigass: And TW was paid for through December this very morning.

I see the godaddy portal is still up :::laughing:::
The TW folks said the board was new thus the lack of membership, so why would they need a new format
jack said:
Right. Just like I said. New Format = Starting from scratch :bigass: And TW was paid for through December this very morning.

I see the godaddy portal is still up :::laughing:::

Nobody pays in 6 month increment you peice of excrement. get a clue.

you mega bullshitter.
RuReddy said:
The TW folks said the board was new thus the lack of membership, so why would they need a new format

the admin slut there changes the look almost as much as the batteries on her dildos.
^ OH...Thank You....

Perhaps the TW crew should suggest she buy electric dildo's in the future. The board would have less down time. ;)
The Question said:
And by the way, GuFe, did you know that it's a federal offense to impersonate a federal agent?

Did you know it is a federal offense to steal money from a federal program???? You go after people in the private sector, take them to court, say they have fradulently procured money from the US government..........then you steal money from the taxpayers.
jack said:
Right. Just like I said. New Format = Starting from scratch :bigass: And TW was paid for through December this very morning.

I see the godaddy portal is still up :::laughing:::

Go Daddy!!!! The owner of that place aint' to fond of dirty federal agents.
jack said:
I've already reported the login to the Feds.

Good, maybe if enough of us report the shit they call employees on this board..........someone will do something. I have called and written them and they aren't doing a damn thing.
My next step is to contact EVERY Senator, Congressman, News Media that will investigate this case.