Modern Family

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
...not that funny after all.

And what's with the mock-interviews? It pretends it's a documentary sometimes but it is never acknowledged that the families are being "filmed" by anyone. I HATE SHOWS THAT ARE LAZY WHEN IT COMES TO THE CONCEPT.

I'd watch Julie Bowen read the phone book. She's a foul-mouthed little troublemaker whenever she appears on Jimmy Kimmel. I like her.

The gay guys are cartoons, I don't know or blow anyone like them. Maybe the redhead a little bit, but the fat guy is obviously a straight actor playing fey. And of course, liberal Hollywood just gave him an Emmy award for it. Sigh.

The shrieking Latina makes me stabby.

But all the kid actors are pretty good.


I want to smell dark matter
Yeah it's shit.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
I'm watching it right now LOL.

Fridays suck for TV here.


Be patient till the last.
I'm watching Russell Crowe in Robin Hood so that should tell you.


I want to smell dark matter

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
I keep meaning to start watching Batman B&B -- I downloaded the first season.

Clone Wars -- I'll never catch up.

I never really watched Smallville.

Now I'm watching the Reds-Phils playoff game. The Reds blew their lead already.


beer, I want beer
...not that funny after all.

And what's with the mock-interviews? It pretends it's a documentary sometimes but it is never acknowledged that the families are being "filmed" by anyone. I HATE SHOWS THAT ARE LAZY WHEN IT COMES TO THE CONCEPT.

I'd watch Julie Bowen read the phone book. She's a foul-mouthed little troublemaker whenever she appears on Jimmy Kimmel. I like her.

The gay guys are cartoons, I don't know or blow anyone like them. Maybe the redhead a little bit, but the fat guy is obviously a straight actor playing fey. And of course, liberal Hollywood just gave him an Emmy award for it. Sigh.

The shrieking Latina makes me stabby.

But all the kid actors are pretty good.

"Talking to the cameraman/therapist/interviewer" seems to be popular these days, I think the Office started it. The superfamily show does it too.

TV can't do gay characters that aren't cartoons I think. The only show I ever saw that actually did gay people as real genuine people was Six Feet Under. I can't recommend that show highly enough, but it'll make you see Dexter a whole new way.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Oh yeah, I was a Six Feet Under fan from episode 1. Truly unique TV experience.


I want to smell dark matter
You don't really need to "catch up" with Clone Wars, it's easy to follow from any point.


beer, I want beer
Oh yeah, I was a Six Feet Under fan from episode 1. Truly unique TV experience.

I found it by accident. I'd heard it was good in a general way, and one day when I needed a quickie present I bought a used copy of season One for my brother. They all raved, so I borrowed it, and what's funny is my boy also loved it so we ended up watching the entire series together over a few months. The last episode (I cried like a schoolgirl. I think the show made me gay, curse them and crush them, my precious!) he wouldn't let his mom come get him until we had watched all the last four episodes.

I love a solidly written show...but of course now we have to watch the Sopranos, and quick before I start tuning in to Glee...

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Thing is, most of Glee has been solidly written too. Just in a gay way.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Actually I watch it now that Mr. Sunshine started airing right after it. It's funny sometimes.


Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Well, I for one LOOOOOVE me some Modern Family. It's consistently LOL funny. I guess right now it'd be:

1. Modern Family
2. Parks and Recreation
3. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia


I want to smell dark matter


What about True Blood (for decent portrayals of gay couples)? Or the L-Word?


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Modern Family ain't too bad, I started watching because of Mr Sunshine ALSO. The talking into the camera stuff doesn't bother me much, but I do think it could be funnier, OR SOMETHING.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Part of me doesn't watch it because I hate being told a show is the funniest thing EVAH and therefore refuse to watch it out of rebellion. But what I've caught of it, I didn't laugh at all.


I want to smell dark matter
The adverts for it here always have the "Awkward Dad" say something "awkward" but it feels really forced and not natural at all but then he looks into the camera proud of his akwardness but then a brief worried look flashes across his face in the last second. EVERY FUCKING TIME.