Mommy Bridgette's identity


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Mommy Bridgette rings more like Menty, truth be told :D
The prose and style of what very few posts I read remind me of Lord Raffles, but he wouldn't waste time on that. Whoever it is, it seems to be one of the few people going out of their way to avoid hostilities with me. Clue #1.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
It's the same person that pops up with this infantilism troll every few months.


Shifty sumbitch
Someone thought that MB was my dual :bigass:

Shitty Dual

schroedinger's fat
It's the same person that pops up with this infantilism troll every few months.
I thought the same thing: Mutant Hitler, etc etc loves to copypasta long-winded manifestos with often-fucked-up format coding, like Raffles' retarded brother.

An old BrawlHaller, maybe? Gurk?
Not Gurk or anyone from TV sans that guy with the baby in the playpen avatar (had a Q in his name, maybe?). I believed Mutant Hitler to be the same poster who had an anarchist angle and was also Bowel Movement.

Mommy Bridgette

New Member
Dear..don't trouble your mind with it. Hows this for my REAL IDENTITY:

I'm exactly who I say I am. (GASP!) A good christian woman, with two babies and a nice boyfriend names Jerome. I'm here to save you from yourselves. Of course, I suppose if your a masochist, Hell will be wonderful for you.


Shifty sumbitch
That's a good dual. Keeping up your persona.


Shifty sumbitch
In other news, I'd be amused to see St Lucifer interact with Mommy Bridgette.


Mommy Bridgette

New Member
First, Mutant dosen't post here anymore. There is too much blasphemy and evil here for my baby Mutant.

Second, Mutant is an angel, because if he isn't I spank him.