More of our resources wasted - Moonshine prosecutions


Let's fuck some shit up
A friend of mine has a stil in his garage. Makes damn good shit, too.

Good fire water.


Elder Statesman
No joke: one of my "society collapses" supplies is the condenser for a still. Nice, copper, one of the reflux style that will allow me to make near 200 proof "medical grade" stuff if I need. I can scrounge the rest of the stuff to make mash (might stockpile some yeast...mmmm). That way I've got a post-apocalyptic profession and can trade the stuff to people with more ammo or who are bigger/crazier than I am to protect me.

I've tested it a few times to make sure it works. It does. I wonder if that puts me in violation.

And now the government doesn't want me to live once it collapses...well...back to stockpiling MRE's, ammo, and teenage girls. (sigh)