Moslem Faithful Dream of Jesus During Ramadan

Mommy Bridgette

New Member
ZAMBOANGA CITY, PHILIPPINES (ANS) -- A number of Moslem faithfuls here could hardly believe what they saw in their dreams weeks after Ramadan, a 30-day period of prayer and fasting by followers of the Islam Faith.

This was disclosed by Mohaimin Datu, a Christian Evangelical missionary to the Tausugs, the largest Moslem tribe in the Philippines. Datu is also the regional coordinator of the Tausug ministry, a project of the Philippine Mission's Association for the Southern Philippines.

Datu relayed some recent accounts of some Islam faithfuls but for security reasons requested this reporter not to reveal the names of Moslems who "saw Jesus" in their dreams.

Datu shared that a Moslem resident in Sinunuc, a remote village in this City, could hardly believe when he saw Isah (Jesus) in a dream and defeated a giant dragon in a duel. The resident had the same dream the following night, according to Datu.

"From that time, the resident became more interested about the teachings of Jesus while a group of underground Christian missionaries continue to minister and share the Love of Jesus to the Moslem dreamer," Datu added.

In an another related account, Datu reported of an Islam faithful from the west coast district of this City who dreamed of Jesus healing many people. The following day, he shared his dream to his fellow Moslems that Isah can heal sickness.

The Moslem faithful prayed and asked Jesus to heal those who requested for prayer and eventually experienced complete healing.

"The Moslem faith healer continue to profess that he is still a Moslem but he always shared that the power of healing he administered came from Jesus," Datu said.

"No one can save you but Jesus," the healer said every time he prayed for the physically ill followers of Islam.

Datu recalled that the first time he heard such similar account was two years ago after Ramadan when he encountered a Yakan (Moslem tribe) resident in Basilan Province (neighboring Island of this City) who dreamed of Prophet Mohammad who cannot stare directly at the eyes of Jesus Christ.

The Yakan dreamer was confused on what he saw in his dream, thus, he asked his cousin, a newly- converted Christian, the meaning of that dream. His cousin replied that "Your dream depicts that Jesus is greater than Mohammad."

A number of Moslems continue see vision in this City and it has been the talk of the village in the west coast, according to Datu.

Why Moslems Dream of Jesus?

Datu noted one common practice among Islam faithfuls who dreamed about Jesus. He recounted that during Ramadan, the Islam faithfuls are required to pray five times a day to Allah (God) but they have the options to pray six to seven times a day.

Datu recalled that these Moslem dreamers in their sixth and seventh prayer, have been asking God to reveal Himself in any form of vision and let Truth reign in their lives. (Joel 2:28 says that "in the last days, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.")

What is Ramadan?

Ramadan is the month in the Hijrah Calendar when Muslims are enjoined to fast for thirty days in fulfillment of one of the five pillars of Islam. This year Ramadan started last November 5 and ended in December 4. It is a time for purification, a yearly grounding and cleansing of the self, in preparation for a better Muslim life in the next ensuing year.

Fasting is expressed in the form of abstinence from food and drinks during day time (from about 4:30 dawn to sunset). It also includes abstinence from carnal knowledge and control of the desire for material things. All these abstinences are humanly difficult to attain; and yet the Muslim Umma anticipates the coming of every Ramadan with joy and happiness as a manifestation of their complete surrender to the will of God.

New Threats to Christianity in the Southern Philippines

Datu who grew up in Sulu Province, the cradle of Moslem rebel leaders, said that Evangelical Christian missionaries in Islam-based communities in the Southern Philippines have been diminishing since the start of Christian persecution in the early 1990s. However, Datu shared that more missionaries are needed in the Southern Philippines.

"If we do not reach out to them (Islam followers), one day they will reach us out," Datu said without elaborating.

There are three Moslem rebel groups who are fighting the Philippine government for a separate Islamic state in the Southern Philippines. These groups are the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, Moro National Liberation Front and the Abu Sayyaff Group (ASG).

The ASG warned that it would behead more Christians if they see that Christian missionaries are threatening the Islam faith. The ASG earlier demanded to remove visible Christian crosses in Basilan Province otherwise they would continue to abduct and behead Christians.

More than 100 Christians have been killed by suspected armed Moslem fundamentalists in the Southern Philippines among them were Far East Broadcasting Company (FEBC) radio evangelist Greg Hapalla and a number of MV Doulos missionaries in the early 1990s.

The ASG was also the responsible group in the abduction of the American missionary couple Martin and Gracia Burnham of New Tribes Mission. The ASG is in the US government top wanted list of terrorist groups. Martin was killed during a rescue operation while Gracia was rescued with slight injuries after under the captivity of the ASG more than a year.

Thousands of US troops are expected to be deployed to this City and Basilan Province next year for a possible joint training exercise between Philippine troops with the aim of crushing terrorism.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
too long, didnt read


who gives a FUCK?

i bang muzzie chicks through their burkahs.