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It's not bad, it's not a real lot like the series, he's not a bounty hunter, most of the TV shows characters are jettisoned, and by the time they sing the theme tune they have changed most of the words, but it's a fun way to spend two hours.
I am watching "Back in Action"
the preview annoyed me
so I clicked on it anyway
because that is what I do.
Cameron Diaz, Jamie Fox, Glenn Close, Leela Owen
Blink Twice (2025) - A sex scandal hit billionaire (Channing Tatum) takes five young women to his private island to party. And do bad things (spoiler!) It takes a while to get going, with a lot of scenes of partying in the first half that maybe could have been sped up a bit. Once you get to the disturbing reveal it does hit hard, and the female revenge part is very satisfying. Probably pretty shallow but fun enough in the end and Tatum makes a good villain.
Loves Lies Bleeding (2025) - Kristen Stewart falls for a big muscle woman who comes into her gym. They dod steroids together, people die, and things keep getting weirder! It's never boring as there's always another twist coming. I feel you like you don't quite know the characters until the end as there's so many reveals but I think K-Stew did a great job bringing dark humour to her part and Katy O'Brien is definitely a big muscular lady. Ed Harris and Dave Facno have insane haircuts. There's a bit at the end which is absolutely hilarious. I enjoyed it but obviously would have liked it a hundred times more if I was a lesbian as this is very much lesploitation.
The Super Mario Bros. Move (2023) - I had no interest in watching this when it came out. I love Mario games, but...they're games. I love them because they're fun to play! I don't care about the LORE of the Mushroom Kingdom. Mario is just a little guy running around jumping on stuff, he doesn't speak in complete sentences. But I wasn't feeling good yesterday and this was recently added to Netflix so I watched it because it required little brain power. I know everyone hated the idea of Chris Pratt playing Mario and voicing him like a normal guy and not a "it'sa me!" Italian. And I'm not saying Pratt is good in the movie or anything; Charlie Day as Luigi is notably better when they have scenes together. But obviously to tell a story you have to have Mario talk like a person and not just a stereotype. Not that there's a lot of deep character work going on. It's very much a movie for kids and not like a Pixar movie that can be enjoyed by all. The only kind of bits adults might appreciate are some of Jack Black (who is great) as Bowser's scenes. He made me laugh a few times. There's also a nihilistic Luma that feels...really out of place. I don't know why they put that in! I like Anya Taylor-Joy but they seem to have forced her to play Peach as American rather than her natural nice voice. Look, there's barely a story here, there's not much going on but there is some good looking Mario action. There's tons of references and I did like noticing when they used music from the games or saying "oh, they put Diddy Kong in it" and stuff. Kids must have loved it because it made a shit ton of money, so fair enough!