Mr calssichummus sir


great quote from her the other night. context: I was fingering her and she said, "This is pretty interesting. You are really interested and love the vagina AND your a scientist who is really knowledgeable. This makes it an interesting experience." :D
Essentially I was able to name each part of her pussy just by touch. She was impressed. She didn't even fully know it other than her clitoris. It was pretty cool.
That is all.

Hummus out.

Want pix. We all deserve them, except for Falconarg. Sorry I misspelt you name in the title. I am blaming the cat.


on a break from forums
no, I won't post any pics of her, let alone a naked pic. fuck off.


on a break from forums
SOMEONE sounds VERY defensive...

"somebody" is very stressed about an inevitable F in a class I should have gotten an A in. I'm a fucking mess.


on a break from forums
yes, and it's working quite well. I'm not tired, scared shitless, not happy, you don't want to know what's going on in my mind right now. I don't even want to know what's going on there. I fucking want to escape it. I guess being woken up by my girlfriend will be a nice way to start the morning. fuck this shit. blarg. I want this shit to be fucking over. this shit not being this chem class, but my horrible work ethic, horrible time management, my lack of motivation...I want to fucking get a good grade in this class. I could have gotten an A in the class, but I didn't fucking work and now I'm going to fail. fuck all this shit.


on a break from forums
very doubtful. I'm going to be a fucking mess.


on a break from forums
You'll forget all about it.

Plus I'm going to bring you pot.

Yeah, I'll really forget about how I'm not going to school in the fall? How I will not be able to continue chem with the class I know? How I have again fucked up my GPA? How I may not get into a good school nor graduate program? How I have made myself look like a fucking idiot? Weed isn't going to make it better. Sorry.


RIP Karl 1991-2014
Yeah, I'll really forget about how I'm not going to school in the fall? How I will not be able to continue chem with the class I know? How I have again fucked up my GPA? How I may not get into a good school nor graduate program? How I have made myself look like a fucking idiot? Weed isn't going to make it better. Sorry.

Allow me to chant various AA/NA slogans.

Live in the moment!

No sense regretting the past; forge a better future!

It is what it is.

One day at a time.

This too shall pass.

Would you like to hear more?

The Dork Lord

Whipping Boy
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.


GFHH Moderator
She would have to hide her cock before he took a pic


yes, and it's working quite well. I'm not tired, scared shitless, not happy, you don't want to know what's going on in my mind right now. I don't even want to know what's going on there. I fucking want to escape it. I guess being woken up by my girlfriend will be a nice way to start the morning. fuck this shit. blarg. I want this shit to be fucking over. this shit not being this chem class, but my horrible work ethic, horrible time management, my lack of motivation...I want to fucking get a good grade in this class. I could have gotten an A in the class, but I didn't fucking work and now I'm going to fail. fuck all this shit.
