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My date with S.SaDiablo


Grand Wizard of TK
After much confrontation on Troll Kingdom S.SaDiablo asks Grandtheftcow out on a date. Grandtheftcow assumes she's going to kill him but goes anyway just for the fun of it.

Just to be a prick Grandtheftcow shows up a half hour late to S.SaDiablo's tiny apartment. He knocks on the door loudly and waits for a response.

“Come in.â€

A soft quiet voice calls through the door.

As GTC enters the apartment he smells an overpowering odor of burnt toast and to his left he sees black scorch marks on the kitchen wall.

When GTC steps forward he sees a tear stricken SaDiablo sitting an a stained, hopefully second hand couch. Her plastered makeup has run all down her face. It's applied so heavily GTC wonders if she's trying to cover up bruises.

“Uh hi.†Says a visibly disturbed GTC.

“Oh hi there Grandtheftcow.†SaDiablo squeaks with glee.

“Ready for our date?†Sa puts forth her best sexy voice. As sexy as a crying attention starved twenty year old woman plastered with makeup can pretend to be.

“Clean yourself up first.†GTC commands.

“People would think I just saved a rape victim with the way you look.â€

SaDiablo states blankly at GTC apparently not understanding what he's talking about.

“On secound thought thats just go. Should make for some fun.†GTC motions towards the door.

Sa stands up on command and rushes toward the door. Its then that GTC gets a good look at what she's wearing, or what she isn't really wearing.

This girl has a thing for leather, or seems to think GTC has a thing for leather. Her skirt is so short everything would be on display if she isn't wearing underwear. Her top is some sort of reverse corset with the strings at the front pushing her boobs into her throat and has a leather jacket to go along with the outfit. She's also wearing what must be the most uncomfortable shoes GTC has ever seen.

When she walks by GTC he notices a certain scent, one that always seems to drive him wild.

“Is that coconut perfume?†GTC inquires.

“Why yes it is.†SaDiablo smirks.

Oh great. GTC thought to himself.

“So where do you want to go and eat?†GTC asked in a rather flat voice.

“McDonalds of course!†SaDiablo happily replied.

More to come later.
A) How'd she squeeze that shit into leather?


B) Don't expect to get off cheap at Mickey D's but do steer her toward the dollar menu.
Grandtheftcow said:
She's a twenty year old female with low self esteem and craves attention. Of course she'd have weird ideas.

Did you recognize some of your cow friends or relatives from her clothing? How traumatic for you. Oh, the bovine pathos!!

Don't worry it'll make it easier to dump her body in the harbor. Who knew McDonalds could kill you so easily?
Who's more pathetic, Cow? Someone who supposedly has low self esteem and craves attention... OR the person passes judgement based on little facts who also--despite their beliefs--jumps at the chance to interview the attention whore with stupid questions such as "what do you do for fun on the internet?"
You of course dear.

I don't care much for anyone who plays the cheap whore angle on a message board and I was even less impressed when you played that card in the interview. I figured you would have some interesting comments about EI as an apparent regular member of that board. Thats the only reason I took up the interview.
Grandtheftcow:Jumping straight to the question everyone has on their mind. Who are you?

S. SaDiablo:Who am I? Well, I'm many things. I'm an outrageous flirt...a walking contradiction...a blonde some, I'm a bitch...and to others a best friend. Mainly, I'm someone who likes to keep people on their toes and leave them guessing. It keeps life interesting.

And that was the first question. :roll: