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My frozen dinner tried to kill me


I recently bit into a chicken bone, about the size and shape of a dog fang, in a Smart Ones Chicken & Cheese Quesadilla.


This is a dangerous bone that could have easily killed me had I swallowed it.

So I have two questions:

1) Who do I report it to, in case other Quesadilla's from the same batch or processing plant have this issue (I checked the box, there is no warning at all that the product might contain chicken bone or processed chicken parts or anything else suspicious sounding). There is an 800 number to the company that makes the product, as part of their 'quality pledge' but I am not sure if I can trust them.

2) Do I, can I, should I sue? I am not litigious, but this will likely put me off Smart One (Weight Watchers) products for a long time if not ever. And it really did scare me. When you see the pictures I think you will agree this is a large and dangerous bone to have gotten this far in the process. On top of that, or financial situation is pretty desperate and at some point no matter how liberal or forgiving you think you are, family must come first.

I apologize for cross posting this but I am taking it semi-seriously.